Topic: "A Simple Exercise"

My son (who is a great kid and wonderful young man) inspired this song.  It has your basic 'country' feel and structure. 
{t:A Simple Exercise}
{st:by, James McCormick, January 30, 2007}
{c: For my son Cullom (who will be 12 in May).}

The [C]sun is moving steadily, [F]shadows getting clear
[G]Dawn is quick, night is past, to-[F]day is finally [C]here
[C]TIme to do it all again, the [F]drill is quite routine
So [G]get out of bed, [G7]have a bite, and [F]get your body [C]clean.
. . . .
Don't [F]loll around and worry about [C]something in the past
Don't [F]lay there feeling powerless, come [G]on now move your ass  [G7]
It's a [C]very basic habit, it [F]comes as no surprise
To [G]get your day [G7]underway is a [F]simple exer-[C]cise.
A [F]simple exercise
A [C]simple exercise
The im-[C]portant stuff in daily life
Is a [F]simple [G]exer-[C]cise
Re-[C]member your good manners, say [F]'thank you' if you please
Being [G]pleasant and respectful are [F]top priori-[C]ties
You can [C]get more flies with sugar, if [F]flies are what you want (?!)
It's [G]much more fun to [G7]smile and wave, than to [F]aggravate and [C]taunt
. . . .
You [F]need not be an expert in [C]formal etiquette
To [F]understand that what you give is ex-[G]actly what you get  [G7]
[C]Living life with honor, it [F]comes as no surprise
Be-[G]having in a [G7]civilized way is a [F]simple exer-[C]cise
A [F]simple exercise
A [C]simple exercise
The im-[C]portant stuff in daily life
Is a [F]simple [G]exer-[C]cise
To [C]be an honest person should [F]be a daily aim
[G]Knowing what is wrong from right is [F]part of being [C]sane
[C]Honesty is precious, don't [F]compromise your pride
If [G]you are always [G7]truthful, then [F]truth is on your [C]side
. . . .
[F]Everyday you'll hear some stuff, that [C]people say to you
[F]Realize that what they say it may [G]not be actually true  [G7]
[C]Sorting fact from fiction, it [F]comes as no surprise
[G]Figuring out what [G7]makes good sense is a [F]simple exer-[C]cise
A [F]simple exercise
A [C]simple exercise
The im-[C]portant stuff in daily life
Is a [F]simple [G]exer-[C]cise
Suc-[C]cess is more than money, suc-[F]cess is working hard
You'll [G]never be successful if you're a [F]lazy ol' tub of [C]lard
[C]Train your brain to understand and [F]also to create
The [G]world needs lots of [G7]heros, it [F]never is too [C]late
. . . .
[F]Focus on the work at hand, [C]try to 'git 'er done'
[F]Later on when the task is over there's [G]time to have some fun  [G7]
It's a [C]very basic habit, it [F]comes as no surprise
To [G]be a successful [G7]person is a [F]simple exer-[C]cise.
A [F]simple exercise
A [C]simple exercise
The im-[C]portant stuff in daily life
Is a [F]simple [G]exer-[C]cise

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "A Simple Exercise"

great lyrics there James,

how many fecking songs have you wrote now i nthe past few weeks? lol

You could do a book of them and sell them

keep them coming


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "A Simple Exercise"

Glad you like the song, Ken!  How many songs have I written lately?  Don't really know . . . I'm just pushing myself to finish some of the ideas that have been knocking around in my notebook for a while.

I got a few more that I'm chipping away at - and who knows which ones I'll finish next . . . still jotting down plenty more new ideas also.

I have been summoned to serve on jury duty this week.  As part of a large pool of potential jurors for specific cases, I have been sitting patiently through the various steps of the process. 

Wish that I could work on songs while sitting there - I tried it, but we are all seated cheek to jowl and it feels nasty to have people reading my scribbles as I write lyrics and tap out rhythms.  Have not yet been seated on a jury to hear a particular case yet . . . maybe tomorrow.

Being summonsed to serve jury duty is a major inconvienience - but should I ever stand accused of a criminal offense (or be the victim of crime), I would want somebody as smart and sharp as myself on the jury!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "A Simple Exercise"

hi i like your songs, like that you write about different matters,my songs are mostly of love or loss but not necessarilly about myself. please would you give me some info on my song which you'll find in the songwritng area of the forum, i would just like to know what someone who does not know me thinks of my friends might just be being nice.would like an honest opinion before i put it on a site. ta