Topic: Where to start plugging in?

I've been playing and singing for about 12 years now, and I would like to start performing a bit more.  I've done a few weddings, jumped in with a band a couple times and that's about the extent of my "plugged in" experience.  I play for friends and family or whoever, whenever and wherever I can.  I'm not that great, but like Jack Ingram said once, people have told me, "man, you ougta get a gig!"  I'd like to pursue some offers to play in little dives here and there, but I don't have a clue about the equipment.  The band or church already has it!
So...  Any advice on where to start?
I play a jumbo with a passive pick up in it.  I don't really plan on playing with a band, just me, my geetar, and a harmonica.  I sing mostly old country or stuff from the Texas guys.  Ingram, REK, Snider, Ragweed, Cash etc.
PA or amp?  What's really the difference?  Where to start?
I know there's already an "amp" thread here, but I need a bit more help...

Oh yeah, I don't have a solid price range, but probably under 1000.  ??

Re: Where to start plugging in?

I would think that a small portable PA system like Carvin or Peavey would work well for you...with a four or six channel head you could plug in your vocal mic and have separate channels for guitar and other instruments. I have a 200 watt 6 Channel Carvin that I've used for over 10 years now without any problems. Once you learn the settings and get someone to help you with sound, you'll be able to preset most of your settings to accomodate your outdoors, indoors, etc...   I plug my acoustic/electric directly into the head and if playing electric then I mike a small amp and run thru the system...

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.

Re: Where to start plugging in?

I have set up some band and a church sound system.  I have a Yamaha AG Stomp for my acoustic guitar.  I think that a processor is important because some places have bad acoustics and your guitar, no matter how good it is, will sound like a cardboard box with strings.  I have heard this unit before and it is worth the $$.  It has a good rep with any sound guy, except the everything has to cost over a grand guys. … ects--2566  I don't work for Zzounds
I like Behringer gear, some hate it, I think they are wrong.  Behringer has a history of taking other peoples ideas, changing them slightly, and putting them to market very inexpensively.  I have a mixing board, compressor, and sound fx unit that have lasted over 7 years and sound very good.  Audiophile quality, no.  Good enough for small venue, by far!! 
This set up in the link has everything you need to do a show, except mics and cables. 
For mics, I like Shure SM58's, they sound great and have a long track record in the industry.  Sennheiser is making real good microphones, too.  I haven't owned one, but I've heard them.  They may be better and cheaper to buy than the Shures. 
Cables I don't get too concerned with because it is getting very rare to buy junk.  The market is competitive, if you sell junk, no one will buy it.  CBI cables are fine. 
Again, I don't work for Zzounds and just used them for information purposes.  They are a low cost outlet and competitive with the Musician's Friends, American Musicals, and Sam Ash's of the world.  I hope this helps.  Remember, you have to carry everything you buy, a little cart is a back saver.

Grantville, PA
Trying to get back into the swing of playing more.

Re: Where to start plugging in?

Hey thanks guys I'm checking that stuff out.
Is a PA package definitely the way to go?  As opposed to just an amp?  Again, I'm not too proud to say I'm pretty clueless!

Re: Where to start plugging in?

I recommend a pa or powered mixer...I bought a Fender LX1506 6 channel mixer and 2 Peavey 112M Monitors for about 500.00...Im able to distance the monotors out to spread the sound around and if anyone else decides to plug in...then its easier to blend the instruments and mics....