Topic: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

Hi, I have been thinking, (which in my case is not always a good thing,) the question is this?
We all load songs off this and other sites, however, on this site we can have a Music Book,
which you can make public. Now when we load songs down to our Music Book's, do we have the right to correct these songs, I have found some wich are compleatly wrong or just have the chords in the wrong place. My own thoughts on the subjict is we should correct any songs we find that are wrong, we should then deleate the song from our Song Book and it will go back to the songs section, but in the same way as you found it. the improved copy should remain in your Song Book wich as I say should be public. After all if you are going to rechored
a song or fix it in anyway, you should have the corage to put it out there for others to see if they agree with you or they perhaps find you have made a mistake. the result would be songs that are almost perfect when being played by New Members.
Ok, the second part of the question, over use of Chords. I have noticed quite a few songs which are just mostly 3 or 4 chords at most, you have some people putting in Seventh Chords or Minor Chords, and in a few cases Chords which shouldn't even be in the song.
Remember a Major, minor or seventh chord is only one note difference, but I've seen them lettered through songs willie-nillie, (Haphazardly) which can somtime throw a Learner of.
I'd like to hear the thoughts of the other members.

Luck to all. !!!

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

Hi Headcase - you bring up an important point. Yes, we might not all agree with the choice or placement of chords in some songs . . . but remember, all the stuff indexed on chordie was figured out by some well-meaning person somewhere out there.

I see all the song versions as being helpful hints on how a song might be played - not exact blueprints.  The index contains some versions that are, in fact, in need of help.  By all means do what you can to improve any song that you find lacking in accuracy.

The best way to do this is make the changes first within your songbook.  Open the song with the 'edit' button (at the end of the song's listing line) and make whatever changes you feel are needed.  Once the song is improved you can replace the song in chordie's index with your version.  Your name will appear with the song as being the person who improved the song.

Any registered member of chordie can improve songs.  Also, you can always click on the 'original song' button to see the song as it was before somebody did their editing.

Regarding overuse of chords: Yes, some songs seem to have more chords than they really need.  Again - use the versions in chordie's index as 'helpful suggestions' not as perfect blueprints. 

There is nobody here at chordie who knows it all - we are all learning a little more each day.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

Thank you James, for your thoughts, this quick message is just to say I said about letting your song books do the tslking.  This is fine but i realised I had only changed a few songs, so I removed my songbooks from the public section untill i could do them all.  however I realised i have 146 songs on the two books i put on Public View, and it will take a long time to do them all, and learn the Guitar at the same time. So I put them back out again and will do them as fast as i can.
Luck to all. !!!

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

You are spot on Headcase.
  I too have seen chords where they don't really fit, but I am guilty of augmenting or diminishing in my playing.  Usually I will note my changes on the sheet music itself as notes to remind myself what my interpretation of the tune should sound like...  but then again I am a "flesh and steel" fingerpickin kinda guy.

What fits in whatever pattern I am doing sounds good because I am not hitting that note except where it fits to "flavor" the music.  If you just strummed it, could sound like...?
Well use your imagination there.

  This is a "family forum" and I'm trying to avoid expletives.  Haven't been here long enough to know all the rules.

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

Doug_Smith wrote:

This is a "family forum" and I'm trying to avoid expletives.  Haven't been here long enough to know all the rules.

I was going to post a link to the rules, but thinking of it, I dont know if there are any page with a list of rules for the forum.

BUT I can say.

no swearing ( cursing)
No bullying
No deliberatly anoying folk
No posting artists songs on the forum unless you are the writer.
be friendly
Accept telling offs from moderators/admin if you need a telling off lol
Just be nice and treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself.
try not to open threads in irrellevant sections.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

And wash behind your ears and wear clean undies before loggin in lol

upyerkilt wrote:
Doug_Smith wrote:

This is a "family forum" and I'm trying to avoid expletives.  Haven't been here long enough to know all the rules.

I was going to post a link to the rules, but thinking of it, I dont know if there are any page with a list of rules for the forum.

BUT I can say.

no swearing ( cursing)
No bullying
No deliberatly anoying folk
No posting artists songs on the forum unless you are the writer.
be friendly
Accept telling offs from moderators/admin if you need a telling off lol
Just be nice and treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself.
try not to open threads in irrellevant sections.


"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

Hey Ken,

I have a problem finding a list of rules also, I have been going to motorcycle rallies for 30 years and i always see signs with,
"HD Rules"  but no one I ask has a list of the rules maybe you can help?

Later Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

wlbaye wrote:

Hey Ken,

I have a problem finding a list of rules also, I have been going to motorcycle rallies for 30 years and i always see signs with,
"HD Rules"  but no one I ask has a list of the rules maybe you can help?

Later Wayne P

think it might be in the pipeline


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Do we have the right? And too many chords?

As a Scot, on my mother's side anyway, we will do our best to follow the rules of decorum as outlined above, and go easy on the single malt lest I forget where I am... at which point someone will remind me I'm sure.

  Sadly I've misplaced the bottle!?
Somewhere I'm sure that is a crime.

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare