Topic: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

Ok guys I'm going to buy a new guitar tomorrow, I want to buy this one so the dude in the shop said he'll put it aside for me, so what do you guys think?

Does anyone on here know enough about guitars to give me a small review on this?

Its a Cort EVL A6 does anyone know if Cort are a good make? Ive never played one so I have no idea!

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

Corts are generally good.  But why are you buying a guitar that you haven't played.  It could be the best made guitar in the world but if it doesn't fit your hand and sound good playing your style of music, it's not good for YOU.  Play it before you buy it.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

well I honestly have not heard of this make but then I probably have not heard of a thousand makes.
going with the description and review on it, it seems fine but like Zurf says, try it out before you buy it.
And do not go on looks alone, make sure you play a few tunes on it.
If you just go wit hit after playing a few chords you might regret it later but you will not want to admit it. ( I have went through all this before)
So no matter how embaressed you think you are going to get play to your hearts content first with it.

I am saying all this but I will have to do what I say next time i buy a good guitar. lol

good luck with your buy, hopw everything is what you expect it to be no matter what you end up getting


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

I just bought a Cort MR710FFM-NAT. Beautiful guitar but I made sure it fit like a glove by playing as many as I could find as there are a lot of different styles. LISTEN TO Zurf
Cort also makes Gibson and other top models just not sure which ones.
Bottom line....A quality guitar for the money you pay.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

Yeah I 100% agree with that, my last guitar I played for 10 minutes then bought......flipping hate it now!! But I know the guys in the shop so if on the off chance I dont like it then I'll take it back and buy a new one lol.

*** Admin Note - offensive word edited, Roger ***

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

oops sorry Roger, i didnt even notice big_smile

Guitar is ace BTW, Ill be posting some stuff very soon big_smile

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

No problem Alex, I guessed it was an oversight.

I had a bad experience with a Cort electric once but I have played several electro/acoustic at my friend's shop since and they were fine so I am sure you will enjoy your new baby.

I am looking forward to hearing some new recordings from you on her.

Take care,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Guitar help pleeeeeeease!!!

Cheers mate, been really busy at work now dont get finished till 8pm some weeks but got a song in the pipelines hopefully I'll get to finish it soon. smile