What I forgot to explain is that DUE to severe PHYSICAL problems I have to sit to play guitar.
Also that it is very difficult to follow class, because even when I sit I can't play longer then 30 minutes. I play 30 years (or more) and I have my own style. Since I am not longer working as a doc, and I am almost always at home, I don't play in a band. This results in playing alone.
Playing alone = no other player pointing you on loosing rhythm and I can't use my foot to "tap on the floor" so I have a pandora PX4D providing me the rhythm I want. About those friends they SHOWED me THAT I PLAY TOO RIGID, and since that comment I pay attention and I try to play with my arm and hand in stead of playing with a rigid wrist. More smooth (I DON'T KNOW IF I EXPLAIN THIS CORRECT OR AT LEAST BETTER. I used floor boards because I adore "heavy, muddy sounds, but the last months, I notice that there is no better thing than play "clean".
I told that I play more electric guitar since I started to use again that PX4D having a lot of rhythms on board and that I was very dissapointed to see/hear that my rhythmic sense was a mess, but that this has improved a lot, using and following that RHYTHM RESULTING IN a pleasure to play guitar. I really don't know if I am alone (1), to play alone (2) it is fun to play in a band or with another guy. THIS RESULTS IN THE FACT THAT I PLAY 3x better, again with that PX4D, and that playing is a pleasure now.
- I CAN'T STAND RIGHT WITH A GIBSON AROUND MY NECK (due to a broken back, or vertebra)
- I CAN ONLY PLAY SITTING and I SWEAR that starts to hurt as hell too after 30 minutes.
- LOVING SO MUCH THE GUITAR and being LIMITED SO MUCH DUE TO MY PHYSICAL CONDITION gives me more reason to cry than to laugh and enjoy when i PLAY. I have to play in "blocks" 15 - 30 minutes and I'm exhausted, and this is in fact the major cause why I don't like music class or instruction videos. Before my accident I had at least 10 videos 10 books but since 2000, I don't have enough courage to use them. Same here on my PC a long answer or topic takes sometimes 4 hours before it's written (cause has been found end 2007, spinal chord is too narrow from my neck to my a**.) BUT I AM a "POSITIVO" even seeing, feeling that it gets worse month after month. A WHEELCHAIR is already in my HOUSE I believe this tells more than enough about how I feel.
I've got a great life, a real R&R life as doc too, but there are moments in my life where I ask myself to many WHY'S and WHATS. How good I try to make the best of it, it ain't easy and the sun don't shine always. Probably they will put me in hospital again and I am so scared, really scared. I hope this makes things more clear, I know it is CONFUSING but I FEEL CONFUSED.
[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color] AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]