Topic: "Greetings world"

Hi I'am Mark 53 in England just signed in..Been learning for 2yrs Bluegrass flatpicking style
just love it...Reading some of the forum glad to see everyone has same problems as me...
And I thought the good lord was just picking on me !! Look forward to joining in..


Re: "Greetings world"

Hello Mark & welcome to chordie!

Never a dull moment here on chordie's forum.  Plenty of information and many helpful people.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Greetings world"

Hi Flatpicker,

  Welcome aboard, I'm from North Carolina where bluegrass is alive and well, it's played at festivals all over the state. I think you have to be more talented to play bluegrass than most any other genre of music, with all the picking going on, personally I can't do it, but I certainly love hearing and watching it. so again welcome to chordie, it's a great site!


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: "Greetings world"

hi Mark and welcome.

Hope you have fun here and can get help if needed and also help others that need.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "Greetings world"

Welcome flatpicker smile
Lots of friendly Chordies here to help you if you need it.From finding links to music, to guitar questions, to just shooting the breeze.Ask and ye shall receive.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "Greetings world"

Welcome. I just sorta joined too and i agree that it is nice to see that this place is great enough to see that you are not the only one and that you can get help too.

{{***~MuZiK LuVeR~***}}