Topic: new uke play

just got my uke and learning fast ...the only problem is i don't have much rythym...should i start with a pic or just use my fingers...can anyone give me some pointers

Re: new uke play

Getting a steady rhythm is one of those hurdles everyone must cross.  A metronome can be very helpful.  They come in all sorts of styles - the electronic ones that flash or click or ping are very small and affordable.

Get any sort of metronome and use it to get the feel of a steady beat.  Set it to a pace that is not too fast and then strum along.  This may sound strange, but I find it helpful to play standing up so I can sway or stomp or tap to the beat.

Regarding picks or fingers - I'll let somebody else open that can of worms . . .

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: new uke play

OK I will open the can of worms....

Whether you play with your fingers or picks is very subjective. I can only give you my personal opinion, and remember I play guitar with steel strings which are far less forgiving than nylon ones.

I prefer to play with fingers, you can get far more variation in sound depending on whether you use nail or flesh, one finger or all fingers and the transition from strumming to finger picking and back is easy. That being said each of my guitars has a carrier with picks in as there is always an occasion when one will be needed.

Hopefully a uke player will chime in with their point of view.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"