Hey guys I know guitaardocphil just posted on performing but this is slightly different topic....

I'm a 14 yr old guitar player, mostly classical, and I have done some performing for church and our  homeschool group.... not really hard stuff but decent.... and I always find that though I'm not very nervous, I can never put the same feel and good dynamics and stuff into my playing when I'm on stage. I'd think it would be nervousness, but I'm not really nervous, know.... how you feel when you are a kid and you're performing for lots of people. They are solo's by the way.

Any tips on how to get over this? I have a hard time, cuz I have no problem with putting lots of feel and stuff in my playing at home, but when i'm on stage it sounds very mechanical.



Just keep on keepin on Linusguitar.Don't be too hard on yourself,I'll bet your audience doesn't think it sounds mechanical.As a suggestion, all I can say is as you grow older that feeling will come out in your musical abilities, as you learn to play in front of people.It may feel to you that you are not nervous but I'm guessing you probably are.Than again,I'm me and you...are you.
You got me beat cause I can't play in front of people period and I'm 54 years young LOL
Hope that helps smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)


I'll echo KAP54 - just keep on doing your best.  Your best will get better with experience.

Being able to perform with great expressiveness is an acquired skill.  To see a professional performer give a beautiful performance it seems so effortless - but in reality, such performances are the result of many lessons learned through hard-won experience.

Keep striving to be the performer you want to be . . . you'll get there.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"


thanks.... it probably is cuz I haven't done too much performing......  but yet I have done some.
yeah hopefully more experience will help.