Topic: singing

I at first just wanna say that i am obssessed with this site. every song that i can play is because of this song. I love to hear a new song, jump on chordie, find it print it. ill jump on my acoustic (nicknamed Madison) and learn it. Though, i cant get over the fact that i dont have the singing abilities that would allow me going public. Is there any way i can improve my singing ability or using the guitar to kinda fit my voice? any help is appreciated. thanks.


Re: singing

Did you try transposing the chords to fit your vocal range.
KAP54 smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: singing

no, but that is a really good idea.

Re: singing

Check on the right side of the songs .You will see an area to transpose the chords in the song you are viewing.It will change the chords and label them.
Good Luck With It.

KAP54 smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: singing

Hi Max and welcome to Chordie,

Further to KAP's comments you can also use a capo to change the guitar's key. Some songs and styles of playing just do not sound right using different chord shapes. I perform one song with the capo on the 7th fret just so I can keep the open Am key chord shapes for the song to sound right, although I need it in Em to suit my voice.

As for your singing. Like any other disipline it takes practice, practice and even more practice. It is a good idea to record yourself singing and play it back so you can then listen critically and look for improvement. Also your recorded voice is the one everyone hears except yourself. You hear yourself internally and not so much through your ears so it is usually very different to what you expect.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: singing

hi madmax,

Apart from what has been suggested, you could try keeping the same chords for songs but change the structure of it so you are singing it the way suits your voice better.
Or never mind what people think and sing whatever way you want.
The more practice the better you will become

there is also a site that old doll sent me a link on breathing techniques for singing and it was very useful, here it is

good luck


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: singing

Great link for air breathing and singing techniques.I'll be sure to use this .
Thanks upyerkilt and Old Doll
KAP54 smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: singing

madmaxGarcia wrote:

I at first just wanna say that i am obssessed with this site. every song that i can play is because of this song. I love to hear a new song, jump on chordie, find it print it. ill jump on my acoustic (nicknamed Madison) and learn it. Though, i cant get over the fact that i dont have the singing abilities that would allow me going public. Is there any way i can improve my singing ability or using the guitar to kinda fit my voice? any help is appreciated. thanks.


Hi Max and welcome to Chordie,
A few additional things I'd add to the fantastic previous suggestions  you can do to improve your vocals;

1) to echo Roger's suggestion,record yourself- many people just can't used to hearing their own voice, this'll get you over the 'oh my gosh is that me?' factor. Don't be shy, you're most always your worst critic. Go back every 6 months or so and listen to the improvements you've made.

2) realize your limits and find a zone that is comfortable for you to sing in your natural voice.

3) use your own voice when you sing, don't try to sound 'just like the guy/gal on the record'.

4)sing every chance you get-in the car, in the shower, while walking, etc.

5) if you're having difficulties singing while you play, just humm the vocals until you get familiar enough with the song you're trying to learn.

Have fun,
Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: singing

Thans everybody. I appreciate it all. and I checked out that website, im definetly gonna use that stuff. thanks

Re: singing

Find a singer with a song you like who has a similar voice to you. Try Bright Eyes, the singer doesn't have an amazing voice, but he writes the songs to fit his voice, and has great lyrics which makes it sound like he can actually sing. Bob Dylan too.


All I know is I feel better when I sing.
Burdens are lifted from me.
That's my voice rising.

Re: singing

GoodbyeBlueSky wrote:

Find a singer with a song you like who has a similar voice to you. Try Bright Eyes, the singer doesn't have an amazing voice, but he writes the songs to fit his voice, and has great lyrics which makes it sound like he can actually sing. Bob Dylan too.


Nice Bright Eyes reference!!!! A unique voice indeed. Fantastic songwriting.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: singing

GoodbyeBlueSky wrote:

Find a singer with a song you like who has a similar voice to you. Try Bright Eyes, the singer doesn't have an amazing voice, but he writes the songs to fit his voice, and has great lyrics which makes it sound like he can actually sing. Bob Dylan too.


Hi Kerry,

All a matter of opinion really, but I think that Art Garfunkel has an incredible voice and is one of my favourite singers. I only wish I could reach the high notes that he is able to.

By the way "Bright Eyes" was written by Mike Batt and was the feature song of the film "Watership Down".


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: singing

Some of my all time favorite singers don't really have a good voice, but man are they good.  Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson Rod Stewart, to name a couple, but the one thing they can do is carry a tune.  It may be gravelly, but it sounds good.  I was blessed with a great voice, now if I could just get my guitar to follow me, I would have it made.  Like they said, practice man, practice.  And good luck.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

14 (edited by GoodbyeBlueSky 2008-07-15 14:30:25)

Re: singing


I meant Bright Eyes as in the band, sorry for the confusion xD
But yeah, Art Garfunkel does has an amazing voice anyway.

Look up "Bright Eyes - First Day Of My Life" on youtube,
Great song, easy to sing, and mega-cute video [=


All I know is I feel better when I sing.
Burdens are lifted from me.
That's my voice rising.

Re: singing

Roger Guppy wrote:
GoodbyeBlueSky wrote:

Find a singer with a song you like who has a similar voice to you. Try Bright Eyes, the singer doesn't have an amazing voice, but he writes the songs to fit his voice, and has great lyrics which makes it sound like he can actually sing. Bob Dylan too.


Hi Kerry,

All a matter of opinion really, but I think that Art Garfunkel has an incredible voice and is one of my favourite singers. I only wish I could reach the high notes that he is able to.

By the way "Bright Eyes" was written by Mike Batt and was the feature song of the film "Watership Down".


Bright Eyes is out of Omaha NE USA (I think). Unique vocals and great songwriting. I assume the name is a Planet of the Apes reference. Charlton Heston's character was nicknamed Bright Eyes when he couldn't speak in captivity.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: singing

Sorry Kerry,

Just showing my age by not being up to date with all these new fangled bands lol

Roger, the old codger tongue

I strugged to find a decent video that you recommended, there are many very amateurs ones but I did found a reasonable one eventually. They seem pretty good so I will look out for some more of their stuff and I see what you mean about the lead singer's voice. Not outstanding but he can hold a note and keep in key and that is most important, thank you

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: singing

Roger Guppy wrote:

Sorry Kerry,

Just showing my age by not being up to date with all these new fangled bands lol

Roger, the old codger tongue

I strugged to find a decent video that you recommended, there are many very amateurs ones but I did found a reasonable one eventually. They seem pretty good so I will look out for some more of their stuff and I see what you mean about the lead singer's voice. Not outstanding but he can hold a note and keep in key and that is most important, thank you

Hey, I'm only 14 and I listen to Simon And Garfunkel
Not so much Art Garfunkel on his own,
Although I do listen to Paul Simon quite a lot.

But anyway, I've kinda gone off the subject of the post,
Good luck with your singing Max.


All I know is I feel better when I sing.
Burdens are lifted from me.
That's my voice rising.