Topic: Adobe Audition 3.0

I am looking at Adobe Audition 3.0 for doing some recording and thought I'd get some feedback on it. It looks pretty complicated but definitely a cool program. Lots of tutorials on youtube(thank god)
Anybody else using it?

KAP54 smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Adobe Audition 3.0

Ive been using it for a few months now and like it alot..I first used it on a 2gig processor 768 ram computer...and it done fine until i started added alot of effects and eqs to would stutter a little....and when i say alot of effects...i mean i probably overkilled it to begin with because i was just seeing what all it would do to the sound...I have recently got a new puter with a quad core processor and 3 gigs of ram and it runs matter how much i load it down with effects...I learned what little i know by watching the youtube videos you talked about...I have to give it a thumbs up but ive never really tried any of the other programs other than the free ones like audacity and reaper..

PS if you get make sure you watch the youtube tutorial on noise reduction....

Re: Adobe Audition 3.0

Thanks riddler.
I think I'll have to put some cash away for a new puter down the road and for now just learn the basics and what  I can do with it.I did see the tutorial on noise reduction but haven't watched it yet.   Looks like I got myself a lot of homework LOL.
Thanks again smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)