Topic: naming the band

hey my band was going to be a hard rock band but we dicided to be a christian rock band because JESUS SAVES and it doesnot matter what any one else thinks because in the end u either go to Heaven or Hell it is realy . if u want to no more just ask. bu any ways do u guys have any cool band names for us . thx and i am serious about the Jesus Saves thing,  he does. one day all us Christians will go in the Rapture, will u go with us?

Re: naming the band

I hope this does not turn into a preaching thread .

How about calling yourselves "the bible bashers"


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

3 (edited by dguyton 2008-07-02 13:33:23)

Re: naming the band

Jesus saves, passes to Moses, he shoots and SCORES!

Seriously though, (okay, not seriously) Cthulhu Ftagn would be a GREAT band name...

"There's such a fine line between genius and stupidity."
                              --David St. Hubbins