Topic: Body Talk - Finish

A poly or nitro finish gives a guitar a lovely sheen, however having been to the Rickenbacker site I've also found that these finishes hide alot of wood flaws lessening the wet-sanding process. So a guitar body that would have felt rough under your hand get's dollops of treacly stuff and becomes a flamed beauty!

If you live in very arid areas a finish may preserve your guitar but in most of the world they are cosmetic. Guitar bodies can just just be oiled and waxed. Of course a good oil job takes time too and needs renewing with wear.

Some people claim finish affects tone. The bizarre luthier Zachary claims, finishes are 'like putting your guitar in a condom'. More respected sources hint that mid-sixties Fenders may get their coveted tone simply from the spary plant being a bit lax and mean on the paint about 65. Gordon Smith Guitars make a thimline tele copy that comes entirely unfinished, just nicely sanded wood.

Would you let your guitar go naked?

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'