Topic: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

In the upper right hand corner of my screen, the "5 Popular Songs" box overlaps the top 3 helpful chord charts.  I'm using Firefox 2 at 1280x768 on Win XP.

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

Try reloading the page. The stylesheet has been updated, and there might be some caching issues. However they should disappear if you press "reload".

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

Reloading the page didn't change anything here, the "5 popular songs" (which I find annoying anyway) still overlaps.

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

Same issue with me, Firefox 3 on XP.

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

Are you using any ad blocking software, or are javascript turned off?

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

I am, java is on.

Re: "5 Popular Songs" Overlaps Chord Charts

OK. Ive seen a screenshot of this. What is happening is that when the ad disappears (ad blocker or no-javascript), the layout get messed up.

I am actually doing a change on this page in a few days that will replace this ad. This should also solve this problem. To solve it instantly: turn on javascript, or off adblocker.