anastasiak112, wut Roger said is correct. You can also try this:
From what I know of the song it is in a 1...2...4...5...1 chord progression.
If you play open chords, key of "D" - 1
, 2=Em, 4=G & 5=A (A7).
If you want another key the same progression would work. In the key of "E" the progression would be - 1=E, 2=F#m, 4=A & 5=B (B7).
What I am saying is that if you know this numbering system you can take any song and transpose the key into whatever you want the song to be. All into open chords.
When you set down to write down the progressions for any key remember this;
1, 4 & 5 will be Major chords.
2, 3 & 6 will be minor chords.
7 will be a diminished chord.
Here is how you write down the progressions (I'm going to use "C" just because it does not have any sharps or flats)
This goes step - step - half step - step - step - step - half step
Anyway, I hope this helps. I have more problems spelling yore name than working these progressions so I guess you are way ahead of me.