1 (edited by KAP54 2008-07-11 11:44:45)

Topic: Let Him Go

This is a song I wrote in 1991 about how I cant seem to let my Dads passing in 1961 go.It took a huge toll on me then and still does today.
The verses are lightly picked.
The chorus is lightly strummed
The ending has two electric guitars screaming in harmony,repeating to a fade out. Enjoy.

Let Him Goby Ken Peters

June 15/08



[Bm]Lovely lady help me [A6]ple-e-e-ase,

[A6]Help me [E]find a way,to get back[F#]home.[B(addE)] [F#]

[Bm]I am blind and I can't [A6]se-e-e-e,

[A6]Take my [E]hand and please,Don't let[F#]go.[B(addE)] [F#]

[A]In the darkness of my [E]dre-ea-ea-[A]eams.

[A]I hear my lonely [E]scre-ea-ea-eams.


[Dm/A]And in the morning when I [C]rise I hide my eyes to hide the [E]sun...

[E]And than I[F#]run.[B(addE)] [F#]

[Bm]Lovely lady help me [A6]se-e-e-e,

[A6]So I can [E]find my way and get back [F#]home.[B(addE)] [F#]

[Bm]Yesterday seems all too [A6]re-e-e-eal,

[A6]I don't [E]know the way, to go[F#]alone.[B(addE)] [F#]

[A]In the darkness of my [E]dre-ea-ea-[A]eams.

[A]I hear my lonely [E]scre-ea-ea-[Dm/A]eams.

[Dm/A]And in the morning when I [C]rise I hide my eyes to hide,


the [E]sun thats shining on the looking glass,


On the [E7]eyes thats reflecting on a lonely past,


On a [A]soul that does'nt want to walk [Am]alone.


[Am]But I don't [E]know...

[E]I don't [Bm]know...

[Bm]How to let him [A]go...

[A]Let him [E]Go

Fade out on chorus with screaming guitars in harmony

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

Nice song, I lost my dad in 1979 I was in my twenties and just starting to grow up,I think of him everyday and wonder why.
Suicide is something that leaves a family scarred and wondering for years.Life is full of a lot of bumps in the road I guess.

    Oh and I'm just referring to how i lost my dad and how I can relate to losing a father.

God Bless, Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: Let Him Go

Thank You Wayne for your kind words.Very sorry about your father.It must be very hard for you and your family.My Dad pasted away from a brain anyoirism (go figure!!! I still can't spell it right.) while I was at the lunch table.I have lost several good friends from suicide and to this day I still kick myself cause I think I could have done more.The reality is that I could not have.Thats what makes it so tough.Don't be afraid to talk to your family even after all these years.It won't resolve anything but you will feel better inside.
Thanks Again
Ya Gotta Keep on Keepin On

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

Yea ,you go from being ashamed to wanting to crawl in a hole everytime the subject is brought up and you think people are watching you squirm it is a very tough thing and just doesn't seem to get easier,and answers never come.

Thank You, Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

5 (edited by KAP54 2008-06-15 19:35:45)

Re: Let Him Go

Be Strong

Peace KAP54

Have you thought about putting your feelings down on paper?

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

On a lighter note i have 2 daughters that think I'm the best, so life aint all bad, I always try to look at things on the bright side.But Fathers Day is always kinda tough, tomorrow"s a new day!

Later Wayne P

"Have you ever stopped to think and forgot to start again?"

Later, Wayne P

Re: Let Him Go

Yes indeed Kap54,

I know the feeling well. Me Dad was 52 years when he passed! A great character.
He loved old clocks/ radios and cameras. He would spread newspapers on our big kitchen table and take one apart to fix it. We sat for hours and watched him. He also made us the most amazing kaleidoscopes. We would have to roll tiny pieces of  coloured paper  for them. Magnificent shapes and images they made.  He taught us all our history in songs. He also taught me how to make handpainted firescreens
He taught me how to cut/sew and make all my own clothes.
He bought a big tape recorder when we were kids, brown reel to reel. He would then prop up the microphone and we would have great fun singing and listening to the playback. My brother has put this material on CDS for us. Wonderful to still hear him and me Mam singing.
He was a wonderful Dad. We keep his memory alive by always speaking of him.

Happy Fathers Day to all

Thanks for the Memories Kap54.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

8 (edited by KAP54 2008-06-15 23:49:11)

Re: Let Him Go

Wayne It is indeed...Happy Fathers Day to you sir.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

hi kap54 i lost my dad in 2006 he sufered with illness for 7yrs so it was a kind of release for him that it was finally over and for us having to see him sufer and knowing we could'nt do nothing to releave his pain,we miss him loads ,i sit with my mother every night to listen to her, memories give a few words of comfort ,and to hear her request that when she goes she does'nt want reviving ,she won't see a doctor,she's got bad legs,keps getting pains in her chest,puts on a brave face every day ,only family that keeps her going,i know she wants to go join dad ,and we have to hide our felings so as not to upset her,but its something we must all bear with any loved ones.
a great song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Let Him Go

Thank You to All.It sincerely touches me that my lyrics have brought out in you what I feel in me.

Old Doll. It sounds like your Dad was a great hoot and a loving man.I was glad to hear that your brother put his song on CD for you to enjoy.Cherish them as I know you will.

daddycool.Long illnesses can be tough on everybody.7 years is a long time and your right by saying it was a relief for all when he passed.You are a good son for sitting with your Mom every night.She sounds like she loved your Dad very much. So as did I, your family will hide your feelings knowing that soon she'll be where she should be,resting comfortably with your Dad.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

thanks kap54 i went round last night she was in tears her friend had died she was ninety so a good age ,but she tries to cling on to what she's got left,she's the last of her family even though she's got us all the ones from her era are diminishing and she's feeling more alone cause she got no-one to relate to.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Let Him Go

You keep being the good son you are to her.The love she feels from you and your family will be a great comfort to her.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

hi kap54

i was a bit luckier than most of you, my dad was 77, a sudden and fatal heart attack, good for him, but you get the feeling you never had the chance to say all the things you wanted to.
sometimes when i smell a pipe or a cigar, i smile because i feel he's there watching and i hope approving. none the less, a sensitive and emotive work, remember they arn't really gone as long as you remember them.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Let Him Go

Wow I've been gone awhile, and apparently have been missing some good stuff. I'm looking for a word that means 'you put alot of thought into the words' to describe this...
And its nice that you have a vision beyond just the chords for this song, helps us imagine what it would sound like actually performed.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Let Him Go

Thanks Phil and Last Rebel.
It was a tough song to write.I have few memories of Dad and I struggle to remember him.At the same time I struggle to forget the emotional side which has taken its toll on me.At that time in my life there was no such thing as therapy like today.I wish there was but, this is the deck life dealt and so I continue to play.
Thanks Again

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Let Him Go

Joust wanted to say thanks

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)