Topic: Another set of lyrics

I'm in the process of doing chords, my acoustic is on my lap. Kind of about motorcycle trips (again).

Wake up late this morning
Walk out the door, it's pouring
Get back on my bike
And ride to the truth

Ride all day and through the night
As the sun comes up it seems alright
Every time I start to feel this way
I just get my bike and ride for days

From sea to sea and back to find
Long-lost friends and all my old lives
And I'll always come back, to you
On my way back to you.

And every inch of abandoned road
And every mile I ever rode
Anything I ever did, I did it for you
And it was always for you.

Hours and hours out in the rain
And miles and miles past fields of grain
Every ride I ever do, I do it for you
It was always for you

Now there's fifty miles left to go
Before I find myself back home
I only came back for you.
Always for you.

"You have to get over the love of power, and enjoy the power of love, in order to know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix.

Re: Another set of lyrics

cool dude try just d-e-a-f its pretty cool with that keep with it and remember it by deaf

I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)

Re: Another set of lyrics


Good lyrics. Theres a lovely movement to them even without chords.
I had visions of the film Easy Rider" reading them.

Well done.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !