1 (edited by Zurf 2008-06-11 22:08:05)

Topic: Herschel's Campfire Song

I've got a friend Herschel who has a million tricks for getting a campfire started.  So, obviously I let him do that work while I sit on a cooler and drink beer.  Well, he mentioned to me that there ought to be a song in it.  Ends up he was right. 

This is a country/folk song.  Play it however you play country/folk songs. 

Constructive criticism and recommendations for improvement are welcome.

- Zurf

Herschel's Campfire Song Drunken Buffoonery

[G] Hey Herschel!... [C] How about a fire tonight?

[G] Hey Herschel!... [D] A fire'd make us feel all right.

[G] Herschel don't you [D] have no fear

[G] We'll be sure [A] to save you [D] a beer.

[G] Hey Herschel!...[C] Looks like you're working hard.

[G] Hey Herschel!...[D] You're breathing kind of hard

[G] Herschel don't you [D] have no fear

[G] This is [A] only my second [D] beer.

[G] Hey Herschel!...[C] Is your beard supposed to smoke like that?

[G] Hey Herschel!...[D] You're a bit singed for a river rat.

[G] Herschel don't you [D] have no fear

[G] I'm sure we [A] can scrounge up [D] another beer.

[G] Hey Herschel!...[C] Looks like you got a spark!

[G] Hey Herschel![D] You know it's getting kind of dark.

[G] Herschel since you've [D] been so nice

[G] We'll save [A] you the last [D] beer on ice.

[G] Hey Herschel!... [C]Thought you said you's a Boy Scout

[G] Hey Herschel!... [D] Why's the fire keep going out?

[G] Herschel don't you [D] have no feer

[G] Bound to be [A] a warm PBR [D] 'round here.

[G] Hey Herschel!...[C] It's beggining to get a little cold.

[G] Hey Herschel!... [D] Alvin says he's getting old

[G] Herschel don't you [D] have no concern

[G] Use the ice in [A] the empty cooler [D] for that burn.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Poor Herschel...Brings back tons of memories.Always a had a blast camping and remember cursing over a fire pit many times. Poor Herschel
Good Tune
Keep on Pluckin

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Well done Zurf {Ya lazy git } lol

Tell that lovely man Herschel's, I have aromatherapy cream for his wee blisters.
Well done Zurf, i can hear this being played a lot around Herschel's Fires.

Old Doll.

Ps, Beers on ice? camping? Sounds like 5 star camping to me!

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

4 (edited by Zurf 2008-06-12 00:50:30)

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Oh Lena, when I camp I do not walk as gently upon the earth as once I did.  Two burner stove, 4 person tent for myself, inside is a cot with a mattress on it.  Overhead is a tarp to keep the dew and the rain off.  A nice tall table to nest around.  Look closely under that table.  You'll see a backup emergency cooler tucked away, filled to the brim with ice cold water and beer.  Those who camp with me camp in the lap of luxury and are well fed to boot.   You'd gain three pounds if I were merely to describe the breakfasts I serve. 

http://picasaweb.google.com/HalfFastPad … 3911506946

A picture of the song's hero (and a fine man he is too, truth be told):

http://picasaweb.google.com/HalfFastPad … 8013474178

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Great garsh dang photos Zurf! I can smell the sausage slowly cooking.......

Give everything but up.

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Our camp site is very similar. Used to be a lot more rustic in our younger years. Now it's almost like a hotel. I can attest that my belt usually has to work a lot harder after 3 days or so. We are still not allowing TV or DVD players. Once upon a time anything but a bag on the ground for sleeping was frowned upon. Now we all have cots or aerobeds. Thanks for the pictures. It makes me long for my annual August get together. those pics are great; makes you want to grab that guitar and start jamming. Great song too. Herschel's a handy guy. Would he be up for a camping trip in New England in August? We could use a fire master!!!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Geoaguiar -

The only thing we generally permit to be plugged in are boats to recharge their batteries.  We do permit some laptop usage in the mornings, but only to check weather and stream gauges.  It's worth an exception to the "no plug in rule" to promote safety.

Music is home made and images come from participation rather than observation.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Ya know...you'd think the Zurf would at least send me a few royalties...dang Pennsultucky Coal-Crackers gotta be watched all the time.

By way of explaination, I was boy scout in another life, made it to Life Scout before I aged-out and we used to have compititions to see who could light a fire in the shortest time using the most unusual methods. No accellerants, no matches or lighters or man-made material permitted.  My proudest achievment was using a Rock and a plain old flat file to generate sparks over a bed of NC pine needles and fat wood shavings. Have also used a bow, flint and steel, and used a car battery once to get a file going (battery removed from the car of course)

Thanx for props Z...we'll be see'n each other pretty soon on a riverbank somewhere I have no doubt.

BTW...I owe one Buddy (insert evil grin here)

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

hi zurf my memories of camping was a washout at devon cliffs,a gale force 9 on the first night,ropes everywhere,rained so hard everything was soaked next morning,air bed sprung a leak,had to keep pumping it up every two hrs,then the electric hookup kept blowin' fuse,and my son had brought his bike inside and the handlebars tore a hole right down the front of the tent,what a night that was,great song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Br'er Rat - You can have half the cash proceeds from the first year's revenue from that song.

DaddyCool - It's possible that camping is not for you.   big_smile

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song


Loved the photo's/ For gods sake thats luxury stuff. My sons who also love fishing said, " How cool are they". I still cannot figure how you flyfish sitting down ?.
How deep is the water in those pictures ?.
I used to go camping as kids with my parents. To Redbarn in Youghal. { Yew Wood } Pronounced "Yawl". We did sea fishing there. Always good times but as this country was always 20 years behind the rest of the world in those days. It was hard packing for us all. One year there was 70 of us.  All related.
It was in 1954 that John Huston chose Youghal for the location of New Bedford for the movie "Moby Dick".  They also have a fun fair there which to us was magical.

Fridges, beers, and Herschel' "The Pyro" as a friend . God man you have it all!. lol
Comfort personified.

Old doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Herschel's Campfire Song

Old Doll,

That water isn't too deep at all.  Both pictures are of the New River in West Virginia.  That big pool behind the campsite is about as deep as it gets there.  Maybe ten feet (three meters) deep.  Much of the river is merely inches deep at that time of year.   In the second picture with The Pyro River-rat he is sitting in an area known as Musky Alley because it is a deep channel between shallow edges.  There, deep means about five or six feet (roughly 2 meters). 

Mostly when sitting I use a spinning rod or baitcasting rod to fish.  I greatly prefer standing to fly-fish.  I have rigged a large canoe that allows me to stand and use my fly fishing rods. 

I love fishing at the shore.  Wading out into the surf and getting off a long cast to a breaker.  Those sea fish work hard all their lives fighting surf, tides, and currents with hardly any structure to protect them.  When they hit a lure or bait, there isn't much mistaking it.  Not sure about what you catch over there, but over here, there's no telling what kind of fish you'll get in the surf zone.  Sea trout, bluefish, striped bass, pompano, red drum (aka red snapper), black drum, croaker, spot, mullet, and some I'm sure to have forgotten.  Even saw some dolphin (the mahi-mahi type, not the Flipper type) just a few yards further than I could cast one time when there was a storm at sea and they came close to shore following the bait fish.  How I was wishing for my kayak then!!! 

You are right that I am blessed, and don't think I'm not grateful to the One from whom blessings flow either!!  Good friends, good times, cold beer.  Tough to beat.  Awful tough to beat. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude