Topic: Chords

I'm kinda new to guitar nearly been playing a year but I haven't been doing chords much, I want to know, how do you do chord F or other chords that you need more than 4-5 fingers for?

Re: Chords

That's not really a theory question, but a question of technique.

The answer is "barre."  You use your fingers to fret more than one string.  For F ( or any E shape chord) simply barre the entire fretboard with your index finger, and play the remaining notes with your other three fingers.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Chords

sorry Jerome,
It was I that moved this question from ABOUT CHORDIE to here. I know it is not really theory but it was the best place for me to move it as when I went to move it a few sections were not shown for me to put it in.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending