Topic: Great World War 2 Story

I hope its alright to post this here
Front Page London Free Press  (Ontario Canada)

In WW2 my sister in-laws father was a spitfire pilot.When D-Day approached his mission with his wing commander was to fly over Normandy to check the weather reports. If the weather was bad they were to send back the code word "soldier" Which they did. This meant the D-Day invasion was put off for 24 Hrs.
As it turns out my sister in-law works for a company where seniors live and she was talking to one of the tenants about her dads experience.As it turns out this fellow was a cryptologist on one of the ships and his moment in time came when he deciphered "soldier" and promptly brought it to his superiors.
These two people who have never met got the message thru to cancel D-Day for one day.
Neither of these gentlemen had ever met before and my sister in-law got them together for the first time this past April.
WOW To Live in the same city and be so involved in such a major part of history and finally get to meet each other. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that meeting.
Check the story at
I find it fascinating.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Great World War 2 Story

KEWL!!!! Love that story but sad but still wata **** great story!!!!!

I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)

Re: Great World War 2 Story

great story Kap54

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Great World War 2 Story

Hey KAP54
True life is nearly always stranger than fiction.
Thanks for sharing

Re: Great World War 2 Story

great story! D day was nothing short of a miracle for the allies it almost failed had hitler listened to his generals chances are the allies would have been stopped on the beaches of normandy,the crucial point was the germans withheld there panzer tank divisons from reinforcing the defences at normandy because the high command believed the allies deversionary ruse that patton was going to attack at calai had they listened to Rommel the invasion would have been thrown back and all of Great Britian,Russia and most likely the rest of the world would have been under nazi rule because germany would have had the crucial time to develope there advanced ICBM's that could have struck the US and everywhere else with there version of the atom bomb developed br werner eisenberg at pedemunde also the new jets they were developing could have prevented the B17 bombers from destroying the factorys and oil refineries that fueled the war industry we were very fortunant indeed.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Great World War 2 Story

Hi KAP54, very interesting story - thanks for posting the link.

Here is a story that was in our paper yesterday about a man who was awarded the Medal of Honor when he was a 17-year old US Marine fighting at Iwo Jima. … GECAROUSEL

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Great World War 2 Story

Hey James
Thanks for the link.I love those stories about real people that put them selfs in harms way to protect others. Cool

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Great World War 2 Story

Lovely Story.

Dont you just love the " Buddy System".  Im sure  this must still apply in the army still.
In everyday civvies now it seems its all about "Me Feiners". How life has changed.

I remember this joke from childhood.

Hitler sent one of his messengers to look for "Paddy Murphy " for undercover work.
His code was " Theres a red cow in the green field.
Messenger arrives in Ballygobackwards.
The First Man he meets He explains he is looking for Paddy Murphy!
Well says your man, theres "Paddy Murphy the post man, Paddy Murphy the barman
and im also Paddy Murphy!

Messenger replies. "Theres a red cow in the green field"!
Ah, thats Paddy Murphy the spy your looking for! lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !