Topic: Just Amazing!

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Just Amazing!

I saw a programme on the box last week that this young man was featured. When he moves he appears to to be clumsy and slow but put him a a piano and he is precise and decisive. A recording of a piece of music he had never heard was played to him he immediately played it note perfect and was then able to add to and embelish it. An incredible musician.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Just Amazing!

there are those like the young man in this video who have something given to them for that which was taken or deprived there are scores of individuals who excel and baffle the world with there gifts the mind is the least understood of all thank you helena this was worth watching it was enlighting and humbling at the same time very nice

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Just Amazing!

The movements you see him making are pretty typical autistic repetitive behaviors.  The rocking, the head movements, the hand flapping you see Rex doing, all of that is symptomatic of the syndrome.  What I found amazing about this is that the kid comes up with improvisations and original music.  Many savants are capable of mimic and imitation, often perfectly, but are incapable of creating their own art.   To be able to put your own expression into it, especially to that degree, is truly rare.

Most autistics struggle with emotional expression, so the experiment about "happy, sad, angry" music came as no surprise.   

My son is severely autistic.  I see a lot of him in those two.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Just Amazing!

Thanks old doll
Very interesting and uplifting.

Re: Just Amazing!

I watched a show on autistic savants a couple years back and he was one of the features in it.
Truly an inspiring storys while at the same time extremely puzzling as to how the almighty brain works.
Thanks for bringing it up Old Doll

Just Keepin on Keepin on
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Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)