Topic: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

I would really like some way to make use of the Chordie chordpro renderer.  I like the way it formats songs, and I use it to print up song copies for the band of songs I write.

I just got done transposing Justin Townes Earl's "Hard Living" as we're going to cover it, and I wanted to use the rendering engine to print the copies.  But Chordie, not being a repository, but a search engine, has no way for me to enter a song for formatting.  I tried editing an existing song in my songbook, but that didn't work, and I finally ended up creating a new post in the song writing forum, and using preview to get my printed copy.  I don't want to violate the rules and post other's work, so the song isn't there, but what a PITA!

Any chance of an interface for this kind of thing that would allow me to save files temporarily ( three days, for example) and use the rendering engine?


Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

Hi Jerome,

I had the same problem some time ago and James gave me this 'get around' - you have to hijack another song.

Add a song, any song, to your Songbook and edit it by deleting the original chords and lyrics and replace with your own. He did warn me not to alter the song title or artist though as that could cause problems but having them wrong is a small price to pay for having the body of the song 'all nice and purdy'.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

Hi Jerome,
'Hijacking' a song is not difficult.  Like Roger points out, you must not change the {t:title} and {st:subtitle} up at the top of the file.  If you change those command lines, the file will not print because chordie won't recognize it anymore.

Also, be sure that your hijacked song(s) stay in a private songbook - publishing a songbook with  hijacked material would rip a hole n the space-time continuum.   James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

4 (edited by arkady 2008-05-30 17:29:24)

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

Hi jerome
There is a website that will convert to Chordpro
I've use it to format to Chordpro. It will print and save if required.
This is outside Chordie obliviously but it might be of some use.

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

I tried the hijack method but I didn't know you couldn't change the title bits.  That's pretty important as I hand out copies of material at rehearsals, and lets face it, you'd confuse your average guitard or drummer by doing that.   big_smile

I'll check out the webchord stuff and see what it's about.


Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

jerome.oneil wrote:


Hey, I resemble that remark!

Give everything but up.

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

How about taking a crayon and writing the correct song name real big across the top?
(But keep the crayons away from the guitards and dummers - they'll eat 'em)

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

This is very high up on my todo-list. You should really be able to add songs to your own songbook. The only problem is that you can publish these songbooks as well, and then Chordie is violating the principle about not hosting songs.

But... I am thinking of a way to work around this issue. And most likely this problem will be solved in a few months.

... A small workaround that should work. If you are able to host the song online (there are multiple services, including a Google service, that will do this for free), you can use the Chordie Chordpro Renderer for formatting/printing. Try this syntax:

...just replace the my_server/directory/file with the correct address. Tell me if you are able to get this to work.

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

admin wrote:

This is very high up on my todo-list. You should really be able to add songs to your own songbook. The only problem is that you can publish these songbooks as well, and then Chordie is violating the principle about not hosting songs.

But... I am thinking of a way to work around this issue. And most likely this problem will be solved in a few months.

... A small workaround that should work. If you are able to host the song online (there are multiple services, including a Google service, that will do this for free), you can use the Chordie Chordpro Renderer for formatting/printing. Try this syntax:

...just replace the my_server/directory/file with the correct address. Tell me if you are able to get this to work.

Ah!  Now there's a solution!

You guys rock.

Someday we'll win this thing...


10 (edited by Ms.Mouse 2010-07-18 01:24:04)

Re: Use of the Chrodie Chordpro Renderer

I have just tried this and it worked perfectly :-)

Except . . . I have used Songsheet Generator (ChordPro format) and used the {footer} command, which is ignored by Chordie if I print a Songsheet and appears in the text if I print a Songbook.

Do I need to add the commands below, as mentioned in the Songwriting Section (or is that a red herring as the songs in this case are not originals, just the versions of popular songs as played by our ukulele club):

[ s o n g ]      * WITHOUT THE EXTRA SPACES!*
                 at the beginning before the {t:title} line

    [ / s o n g ]      * WITHOUT THE EXTRA SPACES!*
                 at the ending after the last line of the lyric

Best wishes,

Play the Ukulele: The most fun you can have doing something badly!
"I'm not going to say I'm no Jim Morrison, I'm not going to say I'm no John Lennon - I'm not going to say I'm like The Monkees neither! - 'I'm a Believer!' - Some people say I make a pretty good musician - but I've always argued that's going to take me a long time . . . "
Wild Man Fischer