Topic: my first song comments please

Another Day

Another Day
Another Song
If I could only get this right
I try so hard but it never seems
That I can succeed
Sitting here
Thinking there
For hours and hours
If I could change the world
And what it would be
what it would be

Can you see
Can you feel
Would it be wonderful
Would it be hell
Someone please tell me
Who can tell
Finally I think I have it
So hard it’s really been
Just to find the perfect word
To describe my feelings

I need to try
I need to see
What is deep inside of me
If I could run away and hide
To somewhere they could never find
And I know it’ll be alright
i know it'll be alright

Every time I wonder
Every time I try
It gets hard and harder
Just to make it rhyme

I need to try
I need to see
What is deep inside of me
If I could run away and hide
To somewhere they could never find
And I know it’ll be alright
i know it'll be alright

i don't have chords for it yet and i don't know where to put in a solo. also i think some of the lyrics aren't so good. if anyone has any ideas to make it better please let me know

Re: my first song comments please

Hi Telemaster,

In my opinion you have some work to do to turn these words into a song.

Firstly. The lines in your verses are very inconsistant, they are 11, 10, 7, 4, 7 which will make it very difficuly to compose a melody to.

Secondly. The metre of your lines is even more inconsistant. The first verse has the following beats in each line 4, 4, 8, 9, 5, 3, 3, 7, 7, 5, 4 and I will leave the others for you work out. Unlike a poem you can get away with some variation in a song, but as it stands there is too much here, although you could combine some short lines to make one longer one.

So my suggestion is to sit down and and re-write by combining short lines, adding or deleting words to get a similar number of beats in each line. For instance, the fourth line "I try so hard but it never seems" could have the word "so" omitted to reduce it or "I try" could be changed to "I have tried" to increase it without losing the meaning of what is being said.

Of course then, to make it a song, it has to have music. So sit with your guitar and keep trying variations of chord changes whilst reading your words and hopefully you will find something that suits. Alternatively re-post the revised words and ask for help with the music.

Others may have different ideas but that is mine and I hope it helps.

Good luck,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: my first song comments please

hi telemaster welcome to chordie,roger is right it does need some adjustment but its a start,so your thinking in the right lines i'm sure you can turn it round....well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: my first song comments please

hi telemaster,
you've made a very good start! in your mind you've most likely got the tune and words sync'd up. but the most important thing is you've put down your thoughts in your own personalised way
as far as the solo is concerned, you only put in a solo if it's needed, or the song is a bit short, which [unless it goes like the clappers] it isnt.

excellent for a first attempt, keep working on it and i'm sure you'll get there. [you should have seen my first song, but no one ever will!!!]

regards phill

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: my first song comments please

I have to agree with all the helpful advise every song has a cadence or tempo in the words an example is the nursery rhyme "mary had a little lamb whos fleece was white as snow" if you put a rhythem it is                   1    &  2    & 3&   4      &      1         &    2       &  3 4  every song has a rhythem to the words this is a crude and basic example but I hope it helps somewhat and good luck keep writting take phils words to heart about his first song its kind of like my last song only better lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: my first song comments please

My thought are this; If you're gonna take the time to post a song, post a complete song. Include chords, lyrics, and arrangement. Remeber it's your art work to do with as you please.  Just take a little time to complete your creation before submitting for evaluation. You're off to a good start with your lyrics. I sense strong emotion in your words............Now go and finish this work.

Give everything but up.

Re: my first song comments please

Welcome to chordie!

You have been given a lot of sound advice here.

Your lyrics convey a strong emotive message and in that sense they very good. As others have pointed out your only problem is with the tempo and fitting it to music, but this is a good start point for a good song.

My advice is design a chord progression next, or better still two related progressions ie: One for a verse and one for a chorus. Once you have a progression that you are happy with, then sit down and re-write some of the lines so that you can fit them in to the progression with your melody.  It has been said that good songs are never written they are re-written.

My personal approach is always to write the music first and the lyrics second because basically I strugle with the music but words seem to flow quite easily for me. I assume it is similar for most people unless they have a solid musical background or a God given gift.

This is a good start and we all look forweard to seeing the finished product; smile

As always I hope you enjoy my musical journey as much as I do.

Re: my first song comments please

Hi Telemaster17
I personally love the lyrics here. You have been given good advice by all here.

Sometimes with out chords its hard to see where its going, but i see this as a slow ballad softly picked. I dont think words have to rhyme to get a better finish to a song.

Good luck and well done to you.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: my first song comments please

A New Song Aye Did u Make It?

I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)

Re: my first song comments please

ya gota put ya cords into it so i can try it out thanks

I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)

Re: my first song comments please


I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)

Re: my first song comments please

Hi Telemaster17
Lots of good advice for your good lyrics.what you gotta do is put yourself in a room all by yourself with no distractions and just fart around with your guitar. You already have the words , when I get stuck trying to find a melody I use words like jaberwing wing and filbertflange. nothing that makes sense.It seems to take the pressure off makes it fun and before you know it'll have a melody.If you still cant find the right melody for your song than put it aside and work on another tune.I'm guessing everybody here has tons of half written songs.
Good Luck and keep on pluckin

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)