Topic: "These Peanuts"

A fellow chordian once observed that a container of peanuts had this message printed on the label;
"Warning: Contains Peanuts"

Seems silly, but I know some folks have severe allergies to peanuts.  Anyway, here is a new & improved version.

I first posted this bit of goofiness in January of 2007.  Maybe it is somewhere in the forum archives, but I can't find it . . . shall record it soon.

These PeanutsJames McCormick, January 21, 2007

revised, May 25, 2008

Respectfully dedicated to ZombiE in Iraq

These [C7]peanuts they are genuine, these [F7]peanuts are for real

These [C7]peanuts they are packed full of [F7]pea-nutty appeal

These [C7]peanuts got peanut inside, pure [F7]peanut through and through

These [G7]peanuts contain peanuts, we [F7]would not lie to [C7]you . . . [G7]

These [C7]peanuts they ain't crazy, they're [F7]just a little nuts

These [C7]peanuts they ain't critters, they [F7]got no bones or guts

These [C7]peanuts don't need batteries, don't [F7]need assembly

These [G7]peanuts are for eating satis-[F7]faction guaran-[C7]teed . . . [G7]

These [C7]peanuts they are sweet legumes, u-[F7]pon some plants they grew

These [C7]peanuts lived on someone's farm be-[F7]fore they came to you

These [C7]peanuts they are edible, they're [F7]lots of fun to chew

These [G7]peanuts will go great with beer so [F7]let's all munch a [C7]few . . . [G7]


Yeah, [C7]P - E - A -, yeah, [F7]N - U - T - S

Yeah, [C7]Peanuts are so crunch-i-[F7]ly de-lic-i-ous

Yeah, [C7]P - E - A -, yeah, [F7]N - U - T - S

Yeah, [G7]Peanuts, peanuts, peanuts, [F7]peanuts, pea-[C7]nuts

These [C7]peanuts don't go up you nose, don't [F7]stick 'em into your ears

These [C7]peanuts are for you to eat we [F7]hope that's very clear

These [C7]peanuts they were grown in dirt with [F7]sunshine, air, and rain

These [G7]peanuts when chewed thoroughly won't [F7]cause you any [C7]pain . . . [G7]

These [C7]peanuts they are scrumptious, de-[F7]liciously sublime

These [C7]peanuts they are actually some [F7]seeds from a vine

These [C7]peanuts are nutritious, these [F7]peanuts are good food

These [G7]peanuts they got protein in their [F7]peanut mole-[C7]cules . . . [G7]

These [C7]peanuts taste pea-nutty, these [F7]peanuts taste so good

These [C7]peanuts contain peanuts we [F7]hope that's understood

These [C7]peanuts got peanut inside, pure [F7]peanut through and through

These [G7]peanuts contain peanut, we [F7]would not lie to [C7]you . . . [G7]


You can [C7]grab 'em with your fingertips, don't [F7]need no fork or spoon

Just [C7]pop 'em right into your mouth and [F7]give 'em a few chews

You can [C7]nibble on 'em one by one, or [F7]gobble a whole bunch

No [G7]matter how you do it you'll [F7]love that peanut [C7]crunch . . . [G7]

These [C7]peanuts can be swallowed [F7]after they are chewed

These [C7]peanuts contain peanut [F7]that is so very true

These [C7]peanuts got peanut inside, pure [F7]peanut all the way

These [G7]peanuts contain peanut just [F7]like the label [C7]say

Yeah, [C7]P - E - A -, yeah, [F7]N - U - T - S

These [C7]Peanuts are so crunch-i-[F7]ly de-lic-i-ous

Yeah, [C7]P - E - A -, yeah, [F7]N - U - T - S

[G7]Peanuts, peanuts, peanuts, [F7]peanuts, [G7] . . pea-[C7]nuts

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "These Peanuts"

you like peanuts then

Re: "These Peanuts"


What can I say. This song is completely NUTS, still as I am probably the biggest nut on Chordie I must say that I like it and look forward to hearing your rendition. lol


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "These Peanuts"

Hi Wibble - I like peanuts OK, but the song is mostly trying to be about the absurdity of the a peanut jar label warning that the product contains peanuts . . .

Roger, I shall try to get this recorded tomorrow when I have the house to myself for a few minutes.  This song is a real stomp & howl, twang & growl sort of thing.  I am gearing up to do an open-mic night this summer and this will be one of my selections.  I have lots of originals from which to choose - but this bit of nuttiness is for sure going to be on my list.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "These Peanuts"

I know mate, got it in a one-er

However its PC gone mad my friend. People are so blind now that they practically need their asses wiped for them! Saying that a fair few politicians probably do expect that

Re: "These Peanuts"

Hey James  - It is amazing where song inspirations come from. Great way to turn the everyday into a fun song.  I played it like I would like it to sound sitting at the bar at Pat O'Brian's eating peanuts and drinking an ice cold Dixie beer.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "These Peanuts"

Hi Jets/Jeff - Glad you can appreciate this goofy ditty!

A Dixie Beer would be absolutely delicious!  The old brewery on Tulane Avenue in New Orleans was damaged in Hurricane Katrina and is not yet re-opened.  Meanwhile Dixie Beer is being produced under license by some other brewers here and there around the country.  I hope the brewery owners are able to re-open eventually.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "These Peanuts"

what can I say but soliari or james, i have to put down my ice cream and make a pbj treat long live goofy songs i have a few myself but this song would be a good song to sing to a captive audience at a club or open air setting just make sure you prime them with a wee bit of the dixie beer and they will love you and for effect you could throw some of the critters to the audience to chew on with there beer lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: "These Peanuts"

hi james you never fail to amaze ,a brilliant song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "These Peanuts"

James your lyrics are pure stand alone poetry.....
Well done once again.

Re: "These Peanuts"

So good once again our James,

Love all kinds of nuts to eat. Even met a few in my day!! Not allergic
to them thankfully.

Looking forward to hearing the recording.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "These Peanuts"

Thanks all for your positive comments!

I have just unleashed a recording of "These Peanuts" upon the world.

Please give it a listen at my 'Songs for Human and Autoharp' page:

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "These Peanuts"

Hi James,

Just been to your MySpace and listened to this song. Another first class recording I like the introduction, a good idea as it set the song up great.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

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