Topic: D E L E T E

When I see that I need to go back 5 pages = 130 songs, to see the last song without reaction,
it tells more than enough about me, I CAN'T WRITE A SONG, and I stop to waste all my time. It's
- difficult
- rubbish
- a bad song
Since it takes me almost 3 hours to write a song, I realise that I WILL NEVER fit in that picture.
The only thing I ever wanted is getting CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICS. Wrong word, wrong phrase, wrong chord AND a difference in culture.
It's not that I'm hurt,  what would you do if nobody likes the song?
I didn't post a song having recurring fever and the extremely painful position to write things down in Word, using my guitar to see if the chords match with the lyrics.

MY conclusion is: I AM NOT A SONGWRITER, so I don't belong here in this thread.
Don't tell me something different I DO NOT BELONG HERE ON THIS SONGWRITING TOPIC. I read what other chordians written and no way I'm 3 leagues down compared to your songs

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: D E L E T E

If you're writing a song to get a response from another person, you're writing for the wrong reasons. If a song moves you, the writer, and gets out what is within, then you have created a masterpiece. Don't get discouraged by a seeming insufficient lack of response. Please yourself and screw the rest. That's true art!!!

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: D E L E T E

Not really, it's something for me, of course every chordian post his song to be heard of seen.
If the song is PERSONAL and I post the song I don't post them to get response. I was just a little bit in a sad mood (I'm VERY VERY sensitive the last weeks, confused, scared, anxious because too much happened, it's not funny to loose conscience in a big store, caused by pain + recurring and mysterious fever, no aids, with White Bloodcells 3x higher than normal, can be leukemia). Every person posting a song want to show their song to others, if not, you don't post it. And seeing that it was 150 songs ago, since there was no reaction I decided to stop posting songs. My intention was never LOOK WHAT A GREAT SONG, I post a song for particular reasons, to know if the words are correct, to see if the chords were matching. I love what I write, it's just "a kind of loneliness" you feel, a "be neglected feeling". I hope this is the correct answer. I know that a lot of my topics are loved, I get mails from people asking me where I get all this inspiration. IT IS NOT YOU IT IS ME and the situation makes me TOO sensitive, I still have a few hundreds of songs, but I use often special chords, or chord progression, impossible to post them.
I really hope to come to the US next year Toney and PLAY.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: D E L E T E

Lieven thrive on rejection! I do who cares if its a hit or miss its yours thats all that counts there isn't a songwriter past or present who hasn't written a few stinkers but there remembered for the one good one,hell I envy the one hit wonders thats one more then I have I write songs all the time post them upload them whatever and I aint running to the bank with a deposit from the sales so all that really counts is its yours no one can take that from you,people are people they will seldom give there honest appraisal out of fear of being labeled a butt thats human nature if you enjoy writting it dont matter if its good so keep on writting you never know the song you think had the least potential turns out to be the song everyone loves ite a crazy bussiness so do it for yourself expect the worse hope for the best and theres no room for dissapointment  smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: D E L E T E

Hi Lieven,

Please take note of what has been said here. Write songs that you like, or to convey a message to a friend, in a style that suits you, but do it for yourself. The time it takes is not important if it gives you pleasure unless it is encroaching on time that should have been spent on something more important. I guess that with your physical disability it will take you longer than some to write one but the counter arguement to that is that you probably have more time to devote to it anyway.

So if it gives you pleasure and harms no one else then DO IT whether anyone else likes it or not.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: D E L E T E

Tremendous advice, Roger. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: D E L E T E

What Roger and Southpaw are saying is dead on and the only advice one needs. Write for you and only you. To convey your emotions, ideas, etc. When it stops being fun stop doing it. It's hard in any situation (especially yours) but trying to derive as much pleasure out of your life is what it's supposed to be about. The creation of a songs hould be a pleasurable or therapeutic experience. I hope that you keep writing and keep smiling. Hang in there.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

8 (edited by daddycool 2008-05-25 13:29:41)

Re: D E L E T E

hi phil when your down pick up your guitar it'll relax you,since joining chordie i wrote two songs,then i just kept getting inspiration after inspiration ,its brought me out of my shell and i feel i'm achieving something in my life,i'll never be a professional or get on x factor but it makes me feel good about what i'm doing, so keep your chin up and just keep playing for yourself ,post your songs and just enjoy the experience of creating something from youself .i try to answer all posts when i can get a turn on the computor and you'll get a straight answer so keep strumming....stay cool

ps.i've just looked through all the pages,some of your posts should have gone in chat cnr,the songs with no response are out of my depth,iecapo's,bm's,anything below the third fret,and tabs so as don't play these i can't really respond cause i'm not qualified to do so...stay cool again

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: D E L E T E

GRRRRRRRRRRR how mad r u?? id b that way 2 lol mayb u mght need 2 find that song on this website i use them both ill gve it 2 u here it is m8 hope it hlps m8 let me no if it dos thx m8 gud luck wink smile

I Can Play And Thats Ture  (- -)