Topic: Pecan Sandies by ZenButcher

She tried to bake me cookies, - but I told her I don’t eat
Anything with peanuts - or anything that’s sweet
So, she left them on the doorstep - with a note that said,
“If you won’t eat these cookies, - I’ll smash them on your head.â€

Well, for three days they’ve been sitting out-side in the pouring rain
I can not eat them now, - I hope she won’t find out.
‘Cause she left them on my doorstep – with a note that said,
“If you won’t eat these cookies, - I’ll smash them on your head.â€

Oh, I don’t want your pecan sandies - Or any sweets or candies
I really don’t enjoy them – I really do not like them
So if you must insist that I eat your pecan sandies
I’ll have to say goodbye to you today

Then she started crying – and I felt really bad
So I put one in my mouth – and chewed it just a tad
It tasted kind of nutty – and yet a little sweet
I must admit I liked it, - then I spit it in the street

‘Cause I don’t want your pecan sandies – or any other sweets
I really don’t enjoy them – I really do not like them
And, if you must insist – that I eat your pecan sandies
I’ll have to say goodbye to you today

The last time that I saw her – she was with some other guy
They were walking in the park – holding hands as I passed by
I almost turned around to him and said, - “Hello how do you do?
I hope that you like cookies - more than any other foodâ€

But, I just turned and walked away – a smile upon my face
Knowing I was going home – to a nice clean pillow case
And he and her, she and him – with cookies there in hand
Would eat those pecan sandies – with crumbs all in their bed

Oh, I don’t want your pecan sandies – or any other sweets
I really don’t enjoy them – I really do not like them
And, since you must insist – that I eat your pecan sandies
I’ll have to say goodbye to you today

Re: Pecan Sandies by ZenButcher


lol lol lol God i laughed my A## off reading this. Its so good.  Great Imagery.  Any idea for a melody for it?.

Ps.  i absolutely love pecans. Very expensive here to buy. I wouldn't be leaving them out in the rain!

Well done.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Pecan Sandies by ZenButcher

hizenbutcher nice story song ,never had pecan butties so i can't comment on them,i bet it will sound nice when you put the melody to it well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool