Topic: massive jump in members

I dont know if it was due to some twit trying to spam a lot and never succeeded but I am sure the other day there were still just under 170,000 members on chordie. Now today there is over 178,000. That's another 800 odd folk in  just a few days. wow!!!

just keeps growing and growing


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: massive jump in members

Unfortunately, many sites in the US have been disabled due to litigating copywrite infringement hearings. It's hard out here these days for a musician and all of their puppeteers to earn a living. I see it as an act of desperation. If I were lucky enough to 'hit the jackpot' and have succesful songs on the market I would see it as a tool of promotion for small time local scrub performers,such as myself, to have my music 'promoted' by eager up and comers.

Give everything but up.

3 (edited by marcalan 2008-05-13 13:18:31)

Re: massive jump in members

southpaw i just noticed your quote ..i like that where is it from?  original?

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: massive jump in members

marcalan wrote:

southpaw i just noticed your quote ..i like that where is it from?  original?

It's from Clarence Darrow, writer of agnostic theological studies.

Give everything but up.

Re: massive jump in members

Spambots will flood a site and your membership can jump big time.  I'm an admin. at a Asperger's/autism site and we went from about 1000 members to 2500 within the space of 3-4 months.   I had gone on vacation for a week and I'd come home to 100-300 spambots over the course of 3-5 days.  It took me 2 weeks to check each one and delete them.  The forum owner upgraded to a more recent phpBB level and that took care of most of them.  Now I'm down to 1-3 a month.  At least until the spambots upgrade their technology!  OY!

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: massive jump in members

thanks Ozy for that,

Thankfully we do not get many spammers anymore after the website ownder done something to stop that.
That is not to say the increase in members were not spammers trying to spam but couldnt.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: massive jump in members

upyerkilt wrote:

thanks Ozy for that,

Thankfully we do not get many spammers anymore after the website ownder done something to stop that.
That is not to say the increase in members were not spammers trying to spam but couldnt.



I keep hoping and praying for the development of technology that will allow us to reverse spam the spambots and shut them down or destroy them.  >: )

<sigh> I can dream can't I.   hhhhhmmmmm, maybe I'll surprise my teacher and write a Blues song about spambots!  lol

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: massive jump in members

Blue security created a spam killer that worked by creating a DOS attack on the spammers to remove email addresses of some 500,000 of its users, But a group of spammers hit them with several DOS attacks so costly they shut it down. … =187900367

That's alright, I got my guitar
-Jimi Hendrix

Re: massive jump in members

Damn, the arms race continues!   :  (  I found the most virulent and tenacious spambots came from Asia and eastern europe.  Though one in particular was from Germany selling viagra.  If they were from the US, I could usually keep them at bay by banning their email addresses and IP numbers.  The more persistent ones had their usernames disallowed. 

I hate spambots!

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg