Topic: I have a question.

Ok thanks for reading this first off and heres my question: If I put my original lyrics and tablature on this website can I be certain that there is no way possible for anyone to steal them and use them as their own? I want to put my stuff on here but i just want to make sure no one can take it from me. Please reply back, thank you.

Re: I have a question.

Rgivens people can appropiate(steal,borrow ect...) even if your lyrics or music is copywrited a copyright only gives you a leg to stand on if you go to court and sue for plagerism(stealing someones ideas that are copywriten) I put songs on chordie or links to original songs on Utube and several sites and the time and date of posting a song is a form of proof you composed it first,so I woulden't be worried to much if your songs are being used by other artist it means your on the right track

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I have a question.

Hi Rgivens_10 & welcome to chordie!
I have put many of my songs here on chordie's Songwriting forum.  I am not worried about anybody 'stealing' my songs.  I put recordings of some of them on a MySpace Music page.  Some other chordie users have done me the high honor of recording their own versions of some of my songs.

I don't worry about anybody 'stealing' my songs.  Actually, one could argue this whole site (and all such 'tab' sites on the web) are full of 'stolen' songs.  If somebody were to take one of my compositions and somehow get filthy stinking rich on it, I would certainly want some piece of the action . . . but I am not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

If you are really scared of somebody stealing your stuff, don't put it up on the web.  But if you want to share some of your creations and enjoy the lively chatter of a forum such as this then please feel free to share.

Pardon me now while I put my latest original song on the Songwriting forum . . .   James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: I have a question.

Welcome Rgivens_10,

I am by no means an expert, but others have said, that by posting their songs here, the date / time stamp actually gives them added protection as far as song "rights" go, makes sense to me. Chordie is a permanent record of the owners publishing date. I have also heard of some original youtube type artists using this service:

I have no experience either way, just offering some suggestions.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: I have a question.

all the replies are all true rgivens.
But also if you did put it on here to share and someone did steal it and you found out you could prove you wrote it first maybe by showing a judge the web page you put it on. It would show the date, but it might not actually prove you wrote it, they might say you stole it from them years ago, but I tihnk that would be unlikely.
Also I would be quite chuffed if someone wanted to use one of my songs, as they have done before.
I put a song on youtube " some people" I got asked on the site and through an email if a guy could you it for his band.
I gladgly let him use it. I gave him permission and I dont want anything for it, even if it made it as a big hit. I might want recognition for it though.
I write songs for fun. If I wanted to do it for money I would be trying a lot harder to push my songs out. But for just now I just like sharing my songs here and on youtube and myspace.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: I have a question.

Hey Rgivens... here's a link to a couple of good articles about copyrighting songs.
http://www.songwritersresourcenetwork.c … ights.html

Ironically, the minute you finishing writing down a song or lyrics, you automatically own the copyright to the material. But that doesn't do you any good if you actually have to prove you own the rights, which is why you must register it.

Another tip I heard was play it to people, preferably a LOT of people!

Hope this info helps a bit...

Re: I have a question.

Hi Rodney,

Whilst agreeing with everyone else, my slant on this is slightly different.

I would love someone to steal one of my songs and have a huge, monster hit with it. With the publicity I would get from that happening I would be able to name my own price for the next songs I wrote.

Like most people here on Chordie I write and record songs for the sheer pleasure of doing so, but it is good to share them so that others can offer encouragement and constructive critisism to help me improve my efforts.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

8 (edited by arkady 2008-05-11 14:58:41)

Re: I have a question.

I'm sorry this type of post comes up time and time again on Chordie and they make me  smile
Good advice from all as always but it always makes me think of the old adage of " The Cart before the Horse"
Maybe its just me. I think Roger's got it just about right here.

Re: I have a question.

I have a question how do you make a copyright symbol  the closest I can come is (c) is there a word processor that can affix this ? 

bb16166 wrote:

Hey Rgivens... here's a link to a couple of good articles about copyrighting songs.
http://www.songwritersresourcenetwork.c … ights.html

Ironically, the minute you finishing writing down a song or lyrics, you automatically own the copyright to the material. But that doesn't do you any good if you actually have to prove you own the rights, which is why you must register it.

Another tip I heard was play it to people, preferably a LOT of people!

Hope this info helps a bit...

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I have a question.

Russell_Harding wrote:

I have a question how do you make a copyright symbol  the closest I can come is (c) is there a word processor that can affix this ?

Russ - In MS word, simply click on Insert, choose symbol and the copyright symbol © should be on the list.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: I have a question.

hey how do i unsubscribe/remove my account from chordie?


Re: I have a question.

thanks top are refering to word pad? or what about my word processor same thing? if so no problem thanks for the tip smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I have a question.

on mothers day?

johnt9881 wrote:

hey how do i unsubscribe/remove my account from chordie?


"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I have a question.

Russ - I was referring to Microsoft Word which is their word processing software, and I'd dare say by far the most common one out there these days. I'd assume others would have a similar command.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: I have a question.

Top I will check it out pronto smile

topdown wrote:

Russ - I was referring to Microsoft Word which is their word processing software, and I'd dare say by far the most common one out there these days. I'd assume others would have a similar command.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I have a question.

johnt9881 wrote:

hey how do i unsubscribe/remove my account from chordie?


Myself or another administrator can ban you thus eliminating/freezing your account. Please let us know if this is your wish. We hope it is not. Give us a chance, I'm confident you will like it here.

Best Regards,

Give everything but up.