1 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-05-09 00:04:30)


http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea … D=33810287

This song is called "chains if growing" I haven't had time to do the chopro but you can listen to it from this video I also have it on my web site this video is the vocal track I sang to all the other tracks I laid earlier in this order: guitar(accustic) dobro slide (accustic) harmonica (hohner marine band) mandoline (accustic) the mandolin is a gibson made in 1898 and still plays and sounds great, the bass was my so1 stratocaster copy and I created the bass effects with the "effects" feature from the br8 I selected the "tight bass" because it comes closest to a real bass sound, I have to get me one some day all the tracks were recorded on a Boss BR-8 through a sure sm-58 the song is in G and all the changes are 1st posistion open chords (sorry zurf no B chords) I am working on several new songs and I will upload them when there ready so I hope you enjoy the video and feel free to comment smile this might be a better site to see it

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34EqsJxS8a8    the myspace link seem to pause for me maybe its my pc but I dont see any thing wrong with this link

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Wow, Russell - - - beautifully written & produced & performed.  Great lyric.

Someday, I will take the plunge into multitrack recording but my efforts so far have been frustrating.  Hearing your stuff makes we want to keep working at it - eventually, I hope to have an 'Aha Moment' when everything finally clicks into place.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

3 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-05-09 15:14:06)


james if you need any assistance you only have to ask I will be more then glad to help you or anyone who needs a little tech advise and I appreciate your nice words It offers me encouragement and we all need that smile I forgot to mention that after all the tracks were recorded and mixed, and the mixing first involves panning (posistioning a track) this is a important step because if you put two or more tracks on the same spot you will have less control over it and it sounds better when it has a place of its own adjusting the eq's of each track this involves adjusting the frequency in megahertz and db's(decibels) or volume you turn all the other track faders to zero and work with one track at a time adding delay,reverb is important you dont want delay on percussion or bass because it distracts from the rhythm section and the rythem section is the foundation so it has to be solid there are exceptions to this as some drum tracks are purposely mixed to use this effect all thats left is to mix all the tracks this can be the hardest part,the vocals must always be on top and panned to the center with all the other instruments to the left and right of the vocals try keeping the drums and bass close together without to much separation also any rhythem guitar the keys or harp and lead should occupy there own posistion on the pan meters last I feed this mixed song into audacity via the mic imput and adjust for fade in fade out and compression(removing any unwanted spikes) the finished mp3 is exported to my files for upload or as a audio track for windows movie maker and the audio and video must be alinged so the words match the video,when I film a video I sing to the audio track and adjust the balance in the movie maker so its as close as possible or dead on and thats how I record and produce my videos hope this helps.

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Song plays fine on Myspace. The vids abit on the darkside on Utube sounds ok though.
See you went to alot of trouble to get this one just right.
Well done to you.


Fine song Russell,

Also a very good recording. All the icecream seems to be paying off. lol

Well Done to you.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


Hi Russ,

A good song and a fine recording (without a drop of ice cream in site). Great stuff, well done.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"


ark thanks I did take a little time but I am getting the hang of what the audacity program can do its more then a convience to transfer a song from my digital recorder without wasting a cd I am discovering it can do a great deal more I think I could have used a little more lighting now that you mention it food for thought smile

helena I went through a gallon in 2 and a half days of hevenly hash and butter pecan,well I dont drink so I have to have some habits glad you enjoyed and I hope your feeling better my lady smile smile

roger I did have a can of diet cream soda you can see it on my pc desk in the video I finished the Ice cream and had to run to the store for more smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"