Topic: Wish Me Luck

In just over 52 hours time I step on stage with my bass for my first ever gig. Have spare cables and a stage shirt so reflective the audience will be blinded!

Hopefully I may be able to post video clips in a few weeks time and you can laugh at the fluffed notes!

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: Wish Me Luck

good luck cytania,
enjoy the experience, if all goes well you will be hooked. If all does not go well then do not give up, it can only get better.
looking forward to seeing the clips


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Wish Me Luck

As an ex amateur actor I have always considered your request prior to a performance to be very bad luck so my message to you is "Break a Leg".

Please let us know how it goes.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Wish Me Luck

Have someone take lots of pictures from all different angles, (from the crowd, on stage-front,back,side, each memeber) Video is cool as well but still frames really capture the moment. It's a very special time in a musician's life and based upon the information you share here on Chordie you are indeed a true musician. Best of luck cytania, be sure to post on "let's hear about your gigs".

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Wish Me Luck

Best of luck, Cytania. Rip It Up.

...Badeye cool

one caper after another

Re: Wish Me Luck

All the best / break a leg....whichever is more appropriate.

Enjoy it all and rock the bejesus out of them smile

Look forward to hearing all about it.

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: Wish Me Luck

Congrats cytania!  I am sure you will do great. Post a vid if you can.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Wish Me Luck

i will never forget the first show we played
i had on a shinny shirt, and one of the other guys had a shirt with flames on it
you should have seen the look on those peoples faces
we were playing at the elks club to an older crowd
i remeber one lady her jaw dropped to the ground when we walked in
everything went well and they enjoyed it
so i am sure yours will go well

cool post, it sure brings back memories
please tell us how it went

Re: Wish Me Luck

Have FUN!  and kill...

That's alright, I got my guitar
-Jimi Hendrix

Re: Wish Me Luck

Go, Cytania, Go!
You're gonna have a blast!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Wish Me Luck

Wow! That was a hot gig! Literally, in temperature terms...

Clearly our rehearsals should have included standing in the dark under electric fires. The UK has just gone from a very wintery April into a very hot May. So from practising underground in sweaters we went to that stage shirt of mine soaking in sweat.

As predicted there were some minor fluffs but good news is no false starts, no breakdowns, no major getting lost. Keeping on the one was tough though, we were down one throwback speaker, so although PA sound was great on stage we heard ourselves in a subdued way. Glad poor rehearsal acoustics prepared us for this...

Been a long while since my life has focused so much on one moment. Whoosh, and then you can hardly remember it. Only one answer to this... new set material, more practice, new rehearsals...

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'