Topic: Where To Start?

My problem is that i can come up with the name of a song, but i dont know where to start writing the lyrics and the music to go along with them. Any Advice?

Re: Where To Start?

hello tiff harvey11 - The name for a song is a perfectly good place to start. So . . . to get the rest of song underway, try this - what is it about the name that is interesting to you?  Why would it make a good song title . . . there are probably some ideas and words that are related to the title in your mind.

Chances are that with a little bit of free association  you can come up with a few choice words or phrases that seem to be somehow part of the title's stream of thought.  Jot all those words & phases down.

Take a look at what you got and then just keep jotting phrases or words that come to mind.  Eventually, you may stumble on some ideas that go "click" and you can start coming up with a few lines.

Don't try to make it all perfect right from the start - just keep chipping away at it until it starts to gel.  Don't fall into the trap of feeling that you've got to finish one song before you start another - just make it a habit of trying to have ideas and trying to use the ideas.

Hope this helps . . . songwriting can be fun and it can be frustrating (but it's alot cheaper than golf or gambling or other pursuits).

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Where To Start?

sorry but i disagry, the name to me is always the last thing i worry about, you cant do as u please om how to go about with it but ive only had one song were ive had the name fist. normally after i write my songs i think of what i was thining about or what the main point of my song is.

ps. the title is normally used in the chours


                                     jesse kenyon

Re: Where To Start?

i agree with both of u... James i've never thought of writing that way (i write stories, and music, but i'm not confident enough to put it up here yet)

but usually i write the song then think up the title.  but sometimes your title might not be in  the actual song, like in a  lot of zeppelin songs such as trampled underfoot,immigrant song, and black dog.  inspiration can come from anything.  my advice: when you come up with a title think of anything associated with the words in the title i.e. childhood memories, dreams, even definitions.

good luck

If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: Where To Start?

When writing songs, it really doesn't matter where you start - just start anywhere whether it be with words, ryhthm, sounds, melody, a title, a phrase, some chords - who cares where you start . . . just start!  You can always go back and change anything (or everything) later.

Don't get bogged down thinking that any particular idea is too precious - sometimes I get stymied trying to make progress on an idea that is just not ready to progress yet.  So, I try to have several ideas that I can work on - I have a notebook that has all sorts of stuff in it along with scraps of paper and napkins and junk.

I can always thumb through my notebook to find raw ideas - some of them are actually 'good' ideas, but most of them are probably not so good.

I'm no expert, but I enjoy the chaos of the process. For me, the process takes effort and trial & error and sometimes it takes looking at some creations and admitting that they just aren't so good - but hey, so what . . . there's always more ideas to play with.  Like anything else, the more you do it the better you will get at it.

If you want to write songs - just start doing it.  Don't expect each effort to be great and don't fool yourself into thinking it should be an easy thing to do.

I read somewhere that a typical song on the radio has only 53 words in it (on average and not counting repeated verses or refrains) - - - that's really not very many.  So, don't think you have to write a novel when writing a song - it's just a few words strung together with some simple chords and a melody.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Where To Start?

absolutley agree, just let somthing flow out of you wheter an idea or a like if you were to tell somebdy womthing that happened to you that day, don't worry about going into depth you just need them to get the point. Also, the title really doesn't need to be associated, look at song title from people, like Pink Floyd, Zepp, Panic!, Brand New, SOD, etc.

Re: Where To Start?

Killerkael - started today and you've got a song already?  It must have been itching to get out . . . congratulations!  My muse just hasn't tickled me much lately, but still I keep scribbling down ideas of all sorts and trying to make progress on some unfinished pieces.  For me, steady effort doesn't always guarantee steady results . . . but the steady effort makes the breakthrough, 'aha' moments possible (eventually).

On Friday, I discovered that a long-time collegue writes poetry.  I am hoping that he will share some of his compositions and that perhaps we can collaborate to create some songs.  I'm always willing to try something new to broaden my creative horizons.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Where To Start?

hey hey!

read. read everything you can get your hands on...

newspapers, magazines, novels, short stories, calanders,

cracker boxes, soup cans, shampoo bottles, etc. etc.

keep a notebook handy and jot down words and phrases

that leap out at you. sift once a month or so...

arrange and rearrange ( sort of like doing a puzzle!)

it's great fun and you can sometimes come up with a real gem.

peace, slim.

Re: Where To Start?

Okay so this isn't rallymusic related, but because of this I read a can of peanuts to find out that there is an allergen warning that said Warning: Contains real peanuts....WT*!

Re: Where To Start?

Saw ZombiE's peanut label post early this morning and wrote this mostly during church . . .

<div class="song"><link rel="StyleSheet" href="../css/chordie.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Chordie style"><div id="singlesong"><div id="singlesongc"><div class="header"><h1 class="finaltitle"> These Peanuts</h1><h2 class="finalartist" style="text-decoration: none">by, James McCormick, January 21, 2007</h2></div><div class="song"><div id="firstcol"><div class="textline"><span class="comment">Respectfully dedicated to ZombiE in Iraq.</span>

</div><div class="textline">

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are genuine, these <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts are so real

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are perfect, full of <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>pea-nutty ap-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peal

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts got peanuts inside, these <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are plain

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts have no additives, so <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>don't you <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>dare com-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>plain.

</div><div class="chorus"><div class="textline">

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are sweet legumes

</div><div class="chordline">U-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>pon some vines they grew

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts came from someone's farm,

</div><div class="chordline">Be-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>fore they found their way to <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D7</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>you

</div><div class="textline"></div>

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they ain't crazy, they're <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>just some little nuts

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts have no feelings, these <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts have no <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>guts

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts don't need batteries, no as-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>sembly do they need

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts are for you to eat, satis-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>faction <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>guaran-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>teed

</div><div class="chorus"><div class="textline">

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they ain't fancy,

</div><div class="chordline">But they're <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>lot's of fun to chew

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts will go great with beer

</div></div><div id="secondcol"><div class="chordline">So <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>let's all have a <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D7</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>few

</div><div class="textline"></div>

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts don't go up your nose, don't <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>stick 'em in your ear

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts are meant to for your to eat, we <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>hope that that is <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>clear

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they were grown in dirt, with <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>sunshine and with rain

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts when chewed thoroughly will not <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>cause you <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>any <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>pain

</div><div class="chorus"><div class="textline">

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts in reality

</div><div class="chordline">are sex <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>organs of a vine

</div><div class="chordline">And <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>if you think that that is gross

</div><div class="chordline">I'll <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>tell you more about food some-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D7</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>time

</div><div class="textline"></div>

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are genuine, these <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts are so real

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are perfect, full of <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>pea-nutty ap-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peal

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts got peanuts inside, these <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts they are plain

</div><div class="chordline">These <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>peanuts have no additives, so <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">C</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>don't you <span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">D</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>dare com-<span class="bracket">[</span><span class="relc"><span class="absc">G</span></span><span class="bracket">]</span>plain.

</div></div><div class="grids"><img class="chord" alt="C" src="" /> <img class="chord" alt="D" src="" /> <img class="chord" alt="D7" src="" /> <img class="chord" alt="G" src="" /> </div></div></div><div style="display:none">

{t:These Peanuts}

{st:by, James McCormick, January 21, 2007}

{c:Respectfully dedicated to ZombiE in Iraq.}

These [G]peanuts they are genuine, these [C]peanuts are so real

These [D]peanuts they are perfect, full of [C]pea-nutty ap-[G]peal

These [G]peanuts got peanuts inside, these [C]peanuts they are plain

These [D]peanuts have no additives, so [C]don't you [D]dare com-[G]plain.


These [C]peanuts they are sweet legumes

U-[G]pon some vines they grew

These [C]peanuts came from someone's farm,

Be-[D]fore they found their way to [D7]you


These [G]peanuts they ain't crazy, they're [C]just some little nuts

These [D]peanuts have no feelings, these [C]peanuts have no [G]guts

These [G]peanuts don't need batteries, no as-[C]sembly do they need

These [D]peanuts are for you to eat, satis-[C]faction [D]guaran-[G]teed


These [C]peanuts they ain't fancy,

But they're [G]lot's of fun to chew

These [C]peanuts will go great with beer

So [D]let's all have a [D7]few


These [G]peanuts don't go up your nose, don't [C]stick 'em in your ear

These [D]peanuts are meant to for your to eat, we [C]hope that that is [G]clear

These [G]peanuts they were grown in dirt, with [C]sunshine and with rain

These [D]peanuts when chewed thoroughly will not [C]cause you [D]any [G]pain


These [C]peanuts in reality

are sex [G]organs of a vine

And [C]if you think that that is gross

I'll [D]tell you more about food some-[D7]time


These [G]peanuts they are genuine, these [C]peanuts are so real

These [D]peanuts they are perfect, full of [C]pea-nutty ap-[G]peal

These [G]peanuts got peanuts inside, these [C]peanuts they are plain

These [D]peanuts have no additives, so [C]don't you [D]dare com-[G]plain.


"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Where To Start?

For me the title of the song comes last.  It usually is a while before after the song has been finished until I can come up with a good title.

Re: Where To Start?

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

james, you really need to get these copyrighted and sell them to an advertising company.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending