Topic: First Post ~

Alright this is what I have so far. The verse and chorus are played with bar chords, I still want a bridge but the words have escaped me thus far. Just let me know what you think so far.


The needle breaks the skin

I’m slowly sinking into this again

The dreams are taking over

Once again I’m up to my shoulders

Maybe it’s for the best

Maybe were never meant to pass this test

And maybe it’s wrong

To feel like life is taking way too long


I see you once again

I hear my life played in a song

You said we’d always have tomorrow

We waited too long


I cleaned up my act

I tried to play like we could take it all back

All the things I said

I try to fix them in my head

I hear you’re doing fine

I just keep thinking about that time

You said you’d always,(love my always)[echo in the back]

But now I’m left with empty hallways

solo/bridge: [Still working on it...]


I see you once again

I hear my life played in a song

You said we’d always have tomorrow

We waited too long


I see you once again

I hear my life played in a song

You said we’d always have tomorrow

We waited too long

Oh, we wait too long

Re: First Post ~

Greetings ZombiE!  Welcome to Planet Chordie . . . Wow!  That's alot of songs you posted today.  I have read through them all and would be interested to hear what they sound like . . . the lyrics are intriguing and quite pithy.  A couple of them do make me hope that you do not have ready access to automatic weaponry . . .

Glad to see more activity on the Songwriting Forum and hope to see even more as people get up the gumption to post their stuff.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: First Post ~

lol I do have to say the part about automatic weaponry is hilarious, especiall considering the fact that currently I am deployed to Iraq and carry a weapon daily  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

Re: First Post ~


good stuff zombie,

I like the lyrics.

and I tihnk I said it elsewhere but I will say it again


keep up the good posts


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: First Post ~

Hey I appreciate it. I hear this area of Chordie isn't very active so I thought I could liven it up especially since this is where most of my posts are going to be anyway.

Plus I have so many songs, this will be a good place to put them and review them, lol.

Re: First Post ~

ZombiE - non-standard tunings are a very time-honored method to create the sounds that you seek.  Way back in the Renaissance, lutes were tuned many different ways in order to enable players to easily make the necessary chords. 'Standard tuning' just did not exist. Entire scholarly books have been written on alternative tunings for stringed intruments.

Pretty ironic about my 'automatic weaponry' comment - - gotta love the internet!  I'll keep you in my thoughts and shall pray for the safe return of you and your unit.

We are honored to have a warrior/poet in our midst.

I really like what I see as a relentless drive in your lyrics . . . there is a vivid focus. In my mind's eye I hear stuff that is very Richie Havens - - high-energy, passionate, with to-the-bone sincerity. Keep 'em comin'.


"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: First Post ~

Regarding alternate tunings - here is a nifty website dedicated to non-standard tunings. Lots of tools, info, and ideas:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: First Post ~

Sorry it tookso long for a reply. It's hardto get to the computer sometimes, you understand. I appreciate the link and it's good to know that the mods are so actively engaged.