Topic: add song to songbook

Can I add a song from another site to my songbook?

Re: add song to songbook

Hi nixphoto & welcome to chordie!

No - the chordie songbooks will only accept songs already listed in chordie's index.

However, it is possible to enlarge chordie's index by requesting that a new site be included in chordie's search parameters.  Go to chordie's 'Resources' page and you will find 'Add Song to Chordie's Index'.

There is also another option - some songs appear in chordie's index under different artist's names.  Often, a song that has been covered by numerous artists is listed in different places.  Try searching for your song by title under the 'Songs' tab - you might find it listed under another artist.

Hope this helps,  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: add song to songbook

I have maxed out my first songbook and have started a new one but I can't Chordie will only allow me to post to the first songbook. How do I get songs into the second songbook?

Re: add song to songbook

dino48 wrote:

Hi nixphoto, atthe bottom of your first songbook you will see an area where it asks if you want too move too another songbook,check that out it works for me.

Green lights ,blue skies and pink floyd

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: add song to songbook

nixphoto wrote:

I have maxed out my first songbook and have started a new one but I can't Chordie will only allow me to post to the first songbook. How do I get songs into the second songbook?

Look down the right hand side of the page when you are wanting to add a song...Where it says "Songbook" click on "Change Books"..

Re: add song to songbook

The more i browse, the more i get interested and facinated that I can improve in my music career.

Re: add song to songbook

liferowmusic wrote:

The more i browse, the more i get interested and facinated that I can improve in my music career.

Welcome to chordie


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: add song to songbook

I just wanted to say that Chordie is like the "real" guitar hero game.  I play it for hours.  I especially like the scroll feature with the different tempo scrolling.

Once in a while you get shown in the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right

Re: add song to songbook

I have been browsing public songbooks and finding lots of songs that I want to add to my songbook.  Some of them will add to my book when I hit ADD, but others just don't add to my songbook.  I keep trying again and again but they won't add.  What can I do?

Re: add song to songbook

Send an email to me ( Tell me what songs does not add to your songbook. I need the url.

Then I will fix it.