Topic: The Studying Stats Shuffle

Whats up guys? I needed a break from the textbooks and came up with this jingle.

Haven't had much time on the music, though in my head I'm hearing a quick paced blues shuffle in Eminor (pretty standard I know).

It's getting late
I'm feeling great
I've got my p-values down

Tow tailed or
lowered tailed
I'm taken them to town

Reject the null
it's push and pull
I've gotta find my skew

we're all strange
Relative to mu

Maybe I'll make an A
That'll leave me singing all day
Maybe I'll just wait
I'll just procrastinate
That would be dumb to do
Cause I've got to take Stats II


Hey, I tried..

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

Hello jsn37!  The world needs more songs about Statistics!  I would love to see the chords along with this lyric.

I hypothesize that you might actually be one of my students?  I see your email is at, so perhaps you are taking my final exam today . . . . don't worry, the exam has been tested on several groups of lab rats and there have been minimal fatalities.

By the way - what IS a standard deviation?  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

3 (edited by daddycool 2008-05-01 16:09:45)

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

hi jsn37 welcome to chordie i don't know if we can cope with two scholars brainwashing us with stats ha ha,you'll be able to take it in turns then james can put his feet up and relax,well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

I like the lyrics, where be the chords?.........

If I may, I'll take a stab at the standard deviation thingy;
What is?....... The root mean square(RMS) deviation of values from their arithmetic mean...Also, standard deviation, if my memory serves me correctly, is the most common measure of statistical dispersion measuring how widely spread the values in a data set are.
  How ya been?


Give everything but up.

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

haha minimal fatalities - good one..

I'm workin on the chords. I'm thinking it's going to go something like F#min/A/E/B over the chorus.

The verse would really just be the open E string and the A string on the 2nd fret, then the open E string with the A on the 4th fret. Then move down a string and it again, except this time use the A string as the open one and the D rooted on the 2nd and 4th frets. I like hammering on the G (E string on 3rd fret) in the  middle of the run, then doing the same thing on the C (A string 3rd fret) when using the riff on the D string.

It's a pretty standard blues run, I'm just new to explaining it I suppose.


Looks like you got Standard Dev nailed. It's the mathmatical value of a certain point relative to the mean (mu) of a data set. The farther out you go (the higher the stand Dev) the less likely numbers are to appear. Because most of the data is going to concentrated around your middle point.

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

Yes!  Gold stars for both of you!

I would have also accepted an answer of, "the positive square root of the second moment" but only if you have a favorite pocket protector (just for formal occasions).

Southpaw, I have been pre-occupied with work & stuff.  I'm getting all geared up to teach a 3-week intensive Stats course and trying to get this semester squared away.  So, I have been a very dull boy lately.  On a positive note, I can now see one part of the top of my desk - other zones on my desk still contain unexplored strata that may have archeological significance.

Got a couple of promising songs in the pipeline and hope to get back to a regular routine soon.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

I thought a standard deviation was what the gal wearing too much makeup at the end of the bar offered for $75.  Oh well, just goes to show... what it shows I don't know.  I did do well in stats, though, somehow.  While at the same time I nearly failed Econometrics, which is merely statistics over a body of macro-economics (in which I performed very well).  Bad software.  Bad, bad software.  It's ALWAYS the software's fault.  I learned that in business school. 

Good song Jsn37. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: The Studying Stats Shuffle

Yes it is a good song.

Just wish i understood it.   { I'm hearing a quick paced blues shuffle in Eminor (pretty standard I know).  Ah but JSN37 i understood this line very well Thank You. lol

Hope ya did well, I hear your teacher is a bit of a music man himself. !!.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !