Topic: another couple from me

if you like folk music, particularly scottish folk, then i have posted a couple more on my youtube page.

Dumbarton's drums

and a Billy Connolly song, yes the same Billy "the big yin" Connolly.
He done some fine folk tunes in the 70's and this one I have done is one of his best I tihnk.

Any comments good or bad or downright truthful are all welcome, I have thick skin, very thick ,so say what ye like.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: another couple from me

Great tunes UYK, I picked up my guitar and strummed with you on 'Seargent Where's Mine". Be a great tune at a kitchen jam. Thank you.

...Badeye. cool

one caper after another

Re: another couple from me

got lyrics?  I have a Scottish piper friend a maintain a website for that I would like to play these with.

That's alright, I got my guitar
-Jimi Hendrix

Re: another couple from me

got lyrics?

You meaning for Dumarton's drums?

Yes i have them. Also on youtube there is a woman singing this song, an old movie clip, someone has added the lyrics … re=related
this is the lyrics if a woman is singing.
If you want the lyrics that a guy sings minus the last verse that the woman sings but you can by changing Johnny to Jeanie … rton_drums


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: another couple from me

thx you read my mind well

That's alright, I got my guitar
-Jimi Hendrix

Re: another couple from me

Good stuff Ken. I enjoyed watching and listening to your perfromances. I think we might also share the same barber!?!?

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: another couple from me

Thanks Badeye, Tony and southpaw

Barber? whats that ? lol
I think the last time I was at a barbers was in 1997, round about June or July when I was getting my long hair cut to my shoulders, then after 2 days I could not stand it being a mess and uncontrollable so I got it shaved to a #4. Took me months to get used to that, now any more than a #2 and I get my shaving kit out.
I tried growing it again a few months ago. I never shaved my hair for 3 months! it got to the stage where I was waking up and having to wet my hair to keep parts down, i was wakening up with horns so off it came again to the skin.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending