1 (edited by marcalan 2008-04-20 20:25:19)


Well, my fellow Americans, what can I say about this one?  I hear this all the time out here. You're either going to be offended or uplifted, which is my intention. I find this a very lamenting, patriotic song that might make us wake up to what is happening to our country. This one woke me early one morning. And has been a challenge as I searched my soul for what I really believe. And the first draft was much more hostile as some could attest. THESE THINGS NEED TO BE SAID NOT HARBORED

I like to use a bass line walk down from the G to the Em in the second verse but it doesn't work all the time. Fancy it up any way you like. Hope y'all enjoy.  marcalan

Our Ladyby M. McVicker 2008

[G]On this pier I step[D] ashore;

with my[C] wits and not much more.

[G]Among this crowd, [Em]I’m pushed along;

[Am]Many faces, foreign [D]tongues.

[C]I saw the lady as we sailed to [D]sea,

[G]I thought her light not as bright, as it [Em]used to be.

[C]And as the fog swept her [D]breast,

[C]disappointment filled my [D]chest,

as we [C]steamed [D]from Ellis [G]Island.

Oh [Bm]those that came and [Am]we that leave.

Sure we [Bm]all know [Am]what we grieve.

All the [C]greatness at such a [D]cost;

as I [C]remember, the [D]ghosts, of Ellis [G]Island.

[G]And the thousands that came to [D]die for her

[C]the land, their blood, [G]inters.

[G]The pride of many, [Em]the hopes of all;

as we [Am]watch our loved ones fall.

[G]She was there when we left the [D]yard.

Her eyes were [C]closed, not to [G]see.

[G]With the book held, in [Em]high regard.

She [Am]almost, took the breath from [D]me.

[C]Now with hope, I stand on another [D]stage.

Ancestral [G]land I have [Em]engaged.

With so [Am]many who leave in [D]disgust;

the [C]land given in[D]trust

to [C]those who would [D]stain her [G]page

Oh those [C]that came and we that [D]leave.

Sure we [G]all know for those we [Em]grieve.

Their [Am]lives were lost, for which we [D]stand.

And it is [C]we, who became, the [D]ghosts, of Ellis [G]Island.

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.


nice thoughts marc very well said ,so thats what youv'e been doing these days writting well more power to you.I have a cd ready to go on sale i just have to approve the copy they are sending in the mail and im working on a country and folk cd almost done and it to will be offered for sale online keep writting good songs  you  never know  russ

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Fáilte Marcalan,

What a wonderful twist on Immigration. My own sister who has been here the last few days, expressed her feelings about returning to the ould sod. In 30 odd years she has seen a remarkable improvement on this Island.

Your song reminded me of this one which i like to sing. Annie Moore and her brother were the first to step on to Ellis Island from this Island of Ireland. This link tells her story.


America has been incredible with there acceptance  of the Irish Immigrant. But your right  Marcalan!  in your very clever observation ,  There is a big turnaround to return home.

Well done to you.        EM! Recording please.


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


Well I have to reply to my fans.Thanks for your support, I guess nobody likes political statments here.  But I knew when I wrote this there might be a problem with my ideas. It seems that we dont hear our real voices.. Silver Lena and Russel thank you for kind words.. Maybe I don't play this game right.......I really think that this in of itself is the problem we face..Good life to you all

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.


hi marcalan i don't know the history of ellis island but the song portrays a mythical theme for those who fought and died for the island and those that survived and live there with the memory,brilliant...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool


Hey marcalan
The song clearly means alot to you. A statement of how you feel about your country.
The lack of response is not I feel the message of your song more how things are on the forum.
Most people on the forum are tolerant of song writers views as we all have them.
Would like to hear you record this.



hi there maclaren,

having read through your song i honestly did feel uplifted, i guess we've all seen the x files and all those other conspiracy films that come from over the pond, and we brits just dont know what goes on over yonder, and mabe it also goes on here.

my take on "our lady" was of soldiers returning from war, broken and despondent, wondering why the hell have so many of their comrades died and who might profit from their efforts? probably gazing up at the statue of liberty, as they had done on the outward journey, maybe as helena said, thinking of leaving the states and finding somewhere a little quieter like the emerald isle?

i hope i've read it right, but as i have said before, a true song paints pictures in the mind of the beholder, and each beholder sees his own picture. to me this is one of the greats.

if it is a personal story, i hope you find the peace you seek [we all seek]


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.


Thanks for your kind words my Peeps
Ark, Phil your right this was a labor to get it down to paper and posting.. I rather enjoy a radical political song, which I was unaware of until that fateful morning it woke me. Alls lost now Marcalan on the warpath..Ill be in good company though Lennon,Gutherie,Bobby D etc. Well maybe not yet.  Looking to record this one thatll be another birthing. Thanks Guys and Doll

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.