Re: stupid

All Pix gave me was a set of strings and a few lousy picks. big_smile big_smile

Just Kidding - Very cool story Pix. Not only are you generous here in sharing your knowledge (loved the "bone" info you provided on another topic), but you also give away guitars! I hope that kid makes it big some day and you at least get a mention in his liner notes. smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: stupid

That is a very cool thing you did Pix. I bet the kid is practicing lots now.great post.

  When I was a kid I carved my name in my mom's rockin chair arm. Stoooopid thing to do, still hear about it, but in fun now after 40 years.


one caper after another

Re: stupid

ok my turn!!!!

lets see where to begin????
oh oh one time i was with my friend and i didnt know that she was drunk....
well she kindda went the wrong way and decided to take a detoure.
she turned around right where she was and ran smack into a car coming the other way
so yeah we arnt the best of friends now>.<

you can love me
you can hate me
but NEVER forget me

Re: stupid

Well, I was working in a music store and made up a lie about a kid not having any money to buy a guitar.  He was really Bill Gates's kid and owns the store, but you know I was just having a little fun.  Ends up that guy I was talking to ... 

Um, no, wait! 

Smooth move, Guitarpix.  I've done similar things with fishing tackle.  Last time I gave my favorite rig (it wasn't expensive, just my favorite) to a kid who was hanging out at the ramp asking everyone who came along how their fishing went.  He was there with his family - no Dad in sight.  He said his Momma couldn't afford a rod for him.  He wound up with mine, plus a few bags of lures.   I've given lures away to kids to, and helped kids out with their Moms learn to cast and that sort of thing.  It's important for those of us who've been blessed to share our blessings with those in need.  Never something as cool and expensive as a guitar, though.  That is truly generous and kind. 

As far as stupidest things - not investing in my "ghost" portfolio.  I put together a "ghost" portfolio of stocks to see how I could do with picking stocks without actually investing.  It did very well.  Had I invested in it rather than just track it safely, I'd have a lot more money right now with no more effort. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: stupid

I thought about writing a book about my life. (Trust me, this fits in with the stupid topic perfectly) But I think I would get arrested or divorced if I told all my stuff.  lol  But I do have many fond memories.....
