Topic: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

[c]trying to pack up the[f] dreaded weed,
[c]don't know how,[g]if i'll succeed,
[c]wound up like a corkscrew[f] every day,
[c]temptations there,will[g]power i[c]need.

[c]another day,[f]dragging a fag,
[c]got to keep busy,take my[g]mind off the pack,
[c]i've cut down to[f]what i had,
but[c]going the final mile,[g]is going to be[c]bad.

[c]i know there's patches and[f] things out there,
but[c]willpower is the[g]key to getting you clean,
the[c]anguish and torment to[f]suffer in-between,
i'm[c]thinking of the money i'll[g] save in the[c] end.

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

Good tune daddycool. My fight with tobacco ended when the dentist told me there was a chance I had mouth cancer.(luckily the tests came up negative) I had dipped snuff for 27 years. I went home and emptied my tobacco cannisters into the garbage and haven't touched any since. (almost 1 year) I have 2 children and the image of them growing up without me around was, and is, my motivation for eliminating tobacco from my life. Tobacco kills, bottom line. It continues to be a daily struggle but each day without tobacco is a victorious day. Thanks for sharing.


Give everything but up.

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

nice lyrics daddy and true.

I smoked for 21 years, gave up nearly three years ago with the help of patches.
The good thing to know is a nicotine craving does not last long, if I rememebr right it is about 13 seconds, maybe 30 seconds.
Another thing to remember is nicotine is not addictive itself, it is the amonia the companies put in the nicotine to make it adictive, so why let them control you? this thought helped me give up.

good luck in your giving up


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

Smoked for 26 years and went cold turkey 2 years ago.Feel
much better and lots more energy.Learning guitar sure helped me with quitting. You can do it. I was a pack a day smoker and got tired of coughing every morning so I just set
my mind and stopped.  You can do it. Nice tune.


one caper after another

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

Great idea for a song daddcool.
Well done.
Never smoked both parent did and they suffered for it later in their life. A lesson learned.

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

Hi Daddycool,

Being and on and off smoker and done 'cold turkey' more times that I care to remember I can relate to this one. Well done.

By the way you need to inlude the word 'song [in square brackets]' at the start of the main body of the message and not in the 'Subject' for the formatting to work.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

thanks all i used to smoke 40 a day mainly due to long hrs ,now i'm down to 10-15 ,i try to keep busy then i don't think about them so much but i think the best way will be pack up and suffer for a while ....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: [song]t:"tobacco torture"

hi daddy,

i know i'm a little angel [lol] but i've never smoked, i've been playing pubs and clubs for 30 years now, so i guess i'm a top candidate for passive smoking!
strange thing is, since the indoor smoking ban came in last year, i've had more throat and chest problems than i ever had before, even though it's so good to be able to take in a good deep breath  every now and then as required!

dont let those weed maggots get you


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.