Topic: Graphical artist pages

The "Improve this page"-feature is now available to everybody. I think this is one of the coolest additions to Chordie ever.

I am not going into details. Just find your favorite artist, and click "Improve this page". Follow the instructions.

A lot of features will be built on top of this as well.

Re: Graphical artist pages

I tried to become an editor but when I clicked the button it took me to a page with no success message or notification. And when I clicked "Improve this page" again, it asked me to become an editor again which gave me the same problem.

Re: Graphical artist pages

I didn't have any trouble.... I took Jack Johnson since I allready have all his tab and chord books by album.

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Graphical artist pages

Were you a beta tester for the new artist system? And are you able to modify information yet?

Re: Graphical artist pages

This is most likely a bug. What artist did you click on?

6 (edited by sc0ttkclark 2008-04-08 22:16:14)

Re: Graphical artist pages

Both Radiohead and Of Montreal to test if I was able to edit.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Try following this link:

Does that give any meaningful info?

Re: Graphical artist pages

It tells me about the system of editing Artists and what the benefits to the community / site are. Then has a button to become an editor, I click it and the link takes me to a page with no body content, and by body content I mean, in the html content, there's a <!-- comment --> for the body content and there's nothing in there but the footer. It pulls up a blank browser artist template. Firefox 2, Windows XP,

Re: Graphical artist pages

I made a couple of changes. Could you retry now?

Please start from the artist pages, and not from the links above.

Re: Graphical artist pages

I went through the process for Of Montreal and I'm taken to a blank page still, this time with a query string with the name of the artist at the end of the link.

Re: Graphical artist pages

OK. Found the error. You will need to add some songs to your songbook before becoming an editor.

It is important that people are familiar with how Chordie works before starting to edit the artist pages. Just looking at the number of songs in peoples songbooks are not the most intelligent way of solving this problem, but it was the best I was able to come up with...

However... I also forgot to add an error message explaining why you were rejected..:)

This is fixed now. In your case, just add two more songs, and click "improve this page" again.

Thanks for working with me to fix this bug. And welcome as Chordie editor!

Re: Graphical artist pages

If an artist does not have a wiki article on them, you are unable to improve them. Is a wiki article required or is this a slight bug?

Re: Graphical artist pages

By the way, thanks for helping me through getting in :-) I've already started making a difference and I feel a great sense of accomplishment!

Re: Graphical artist pages

How do we submit corrections to artist names or similarly, give an exact link for their wikipedia article?

Re: Graphical artist pages

At the moment this is not possible.

However, both of these features are on my todo list.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Alright cool, would you be able to make the change for the artist name? If so, "Against Me" should be "Against Me!"

Re: Graphical artist pages

Yes, it will then be possible to both change the main artist name, and add what I call an "alias".

Re: Graphical artist pages

Okay great. Also, I've got a few questions, I'm not sure if they are in documentation some where on this, but I'll put them here and you can point me in the right direction.

I've begun to make the Of Montreal artist page pretty in the edit area, but now I'm a little confused on three things.

One: When I add a song, the title becomes blue, does that take time to be added?

Two: The radio buttons on the song pages, does that select what shows by default?

Three: If I put a new url on a song that has a chordie already (editing the song), directing to a more correct version of the song on the chordie site which isn't associated to the song, does that take time to add to the song?

Re: Graphical artist pages

Blue means it has been changed manually. I need to find a better way to show this. Any suggestions?

Yes, you can select the default song. One of the radio buttons should be pre-selected. It isnt. That is a bug I need to fix.

The songs should be added instantly, and it is available for everybody when you publish the song pages. Do however take care when adding external links. Only chopro-format is really supported. On other songs you might have to do a lot of editing.

Re: Graphical artist pages

...and no documentation yet. Well, thats on my todo-list as well, but it is one of the things that seems to stay there...:)

In general my aim is however that you should be able to use the site without reading any documentation.

Tips for making it easier to use for first time users is always appreciated.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Please take a look at the preview page and the edit page of Of Montreal, there's some missing songs. I'm talking about the blue and bold songs, there are no entries for a bunch of them on the preview / live page when it's activated.

Re: Graphical artist pages

I have verified the problem. It has something to do with albums starting with "The..". Sometimes Amazon has albums both listed as "The album" and "Album". The hack for trying to fix this has somehow messed up. For now: Hide the albums starting with "The...", and add your contributions to the other one.

I will try to fix this later today or tomorrow.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Okie, not sure if this is related but I'm also seeing a bug with the order of songs not being shown in proper track order like on the album. For example, The Early Four Track Recordings by Of Montreal. It's in alpha order instead of track order.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Yes, the songs are sorted in alphanumeric order on the song-pages. This is the correct order. I did not do this on the edit pages.

Re: Graphical artist pages

Okay to be more precise, is this explaination correct?

- Songs on All Songs listing are Alpha Order
- Songs and Albums in Album listing are Alpha Order
- Songs and Albums in Artist Edit are Alpha Order