1 (edited by evsynator 2008-04-06 19:15:58)

Topic: TIBET

Quite a big thing starting here ( in the UK  at least ) is the TIBET and THE OLYMPICS - anyone got any songs for or against ? Dont forget - we are supposed to be the freedom singers and while not bringing polotics into a place like this ( though half the worlds best songs are ) - it is a world wide thing which is happening .....

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.


The first song that comes to mind for me is "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel.

I agree that there are quite a few songs that speak about politics or have a political undertone. I don't have a problem with it cause I think every person should have the right to peacefully speak there opinion. However, there are people out the that are so very narrow-minded and get upset if someone has a different opinion than them. Exhibit A - Toby Keith and Dixie Chicks spat. I laughed through the whole ordeal cause it was like I was watching an episode of "Rednecks Gone Wild"! LOL

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda


crowellb wrote:

The first song that comes to mind for me is "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel.

I agree that there are quite a few songs that speak about politics or have a political undertone. I don't have a problem with it cause I think every person should have the right to peacefully speak there opinion. However, there are people out the that are so very narrow-minded and get upset if someone has a different opinion than them. Exhibit A - Toby Keith and Dixie Chicks spat. I laughed through the whole ordeal cause it was like I was watching an episode of "Rednecks Gone Wild"! LOL

Thanks for the link - stuff i would never have seen otherwise  ....

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.


I dont think much of china and tibet etc and all the politics that is going wit hit. It is only getting highlighted again becasue of the games.
We ( as in the UK and USA) interfere far too much in other countries affairs. Just because we dont like what they do doesnt make them wrong ( doesnt make them right either though)

As for songs to do wit hthis subject? hmmm.

I thin kmaybe " the world is turning" by Roger Waters, although that is to with communism falling and people being free which is not really happening there but maybe that is what the song could be interpated into?

I am sure there must also be a clash song somewhere tha tcould go with this situation.

oooh oooh oohh, just thought of another that mentions Tiananmen Square and how ruthless the chinese army can be with demonstrators. "watching TV" from the " amused to death" album.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending


Hi Evsynator,

This oldie i always loved as an Anti war song. lyrics are wonderful.


Ps. Thank you for " Gold Watch Blues" I hadn't  heard in so long.

Your wee dog is lovely. She has real Gismo Ears.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

6 (edited by Tibernius 2008-04-06 22:22:10)


upyerkilt wrote:

We ( as in the UK and USA) interfere far too much in other countries affairs. Just because we dont like what they do doesnt make them wrong ( doesnt make them right either though)

What China have done is far worse than what Iraq did.
Invading another country for no reason, killing the leaders of that country, killing the people of that country, destroying their culture and making sure no-one ever hears about it, so no-one will complain. Sounds pretty wrong to me. sad
Not much point in talking about it though, that won't make any difference.

Can't think of any songs that go with it either.


Crimes against humanity are never acceptable...China/Tibet, Iraq, Darfur, Rwanda, and the Holocost, are all events in recent history that most people wish would have never happened. People say that politics should be left out of the Olympics, but history had shown that will not happen and the original Olympics had political reasons behind them as well. If countries want to boycot the Olympics as a way of showing their disapproval of the Chinese and their mistreatment of the people of Tibet, great! It's a peaceful platform to express their disagreements. What are some other alternatives? Stand idly by like we (I mean the US) did during Darfur, or conquer a country like we did in Iraq. Neither situation has turned out well.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda


100% agree, it is a crime to invade a country without a reason. You forgot to mention 1 country, the USA, NOT THE PEOPLE, but the "firearms factories" "oil". WHY invading IRAQ and thinking about invading IRAN.
I am really intrigued that all the so called "WESTERN NATIONS" don't have death penalty except...
It get WORSE, where is the "IDEA" of the OLYMPICS?
Today: OLYMPICS = POLITICS. So MY OLYMPIC SONG should be BUSH, with the song BOMB.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]


yes I agree that al lwar is bad, but if we keep interfering then no one in the world will die, apart from illness or old age or accidents.
This would mean the polulation would get bigger and the world would get too heavy and fall out of the universe.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending


Yikes, "If I Had A Rocket Launcher" by Bruce Cockburn. War
doesn't solve much. Watched an interview with Ringo Starr
and his dream is Peace. The world should dream the same.
Will it ever happen????


one caper after another


I do have sympathy with the people of Tibet. There was a series of Free Tibet concerts recorded on a live disc.


bulls on parade (rage against the machine)

power to the people - john lennon and yoko ono band

rockin in the free world - neil young

clampdown - the clash 

having said that  -

I don't believe in boycotting the Olympics - world peace isn't well served by using international sporting events to score political points - the sporting community works hard to promote international relations.


Yes, the Olympics aren't the best arena to conduct politics...but how much is China benefiting economically, socially, and politically from having the Olympics in their country? I guess I feel that attending/supporting the Olympic games in light of all the human rights violations would be like doing nothing about those violations. More should be done politically, but I wouldn't have a problem if some countries boycotted for these reasons.

I feel it would be pretty hyprocritical for the US to boycot the Olympics based on Chinese crimes against humanity and poor environmental policy...hmmm...we turned Iraq into a civil war zone and we have very poor environmental policy. But I can say personally I was always against the conflict in Iraq and I'm a tree hugger (literally, I hug, kiss, and sometimes molest trees smile ...I love 'em) so I'm personally not going to watch the Olympics this year. Let the personal boycots begin!!!

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda


I do feel it will take a small group of dedicated Negotiators

and good Communicators to resolve this conflict.  People who care and  are prepared
to dig there hills in to find the solution..

It can be achieved. We on this tiny Island are proof to the world there is always light in the darkness.
It may have taken a very long time here for us but, The end result of peaceful living is a joy to behold every
wakeing moment.

The beautiful Annie Lennox  Album" Songs of Mass Destruction" " The Song Dark Road" is a simple song with a strong message.

Lets all try in our own chosen way to clean up our World. Conflict cannot survive without our participation.


I wish Our World a Peaceful Day!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


Some great answers ! . What made me think of the Tibet thing is that when i was younger there were loads of singers and bands ( and poets ) who would be heard all over the world at the merest hint of a conflict or political claptrap etc. But now its as if the statements of music have changed - gone stale . Singers used to lead the protests and tried to change things - but where are they now with so much going on ? .  I wonder if John Lennon would have stayed so quiet if he was still here .

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.


I'm sure the brilliant Billy Bragg will have something to say (sing) on the matter.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??