Topic: your momma

my friends are always saying those your momma jokes and i can never think of any. does anyone know a good one?

you can love me
you can hate me
but NEVER forget me

Re: your momma

yo mommas armpits so hairy look like she got buckwheat in a headlock
lol thats from king of the hill

All You Need is Love smile

Re: your momma

Yo Momma's so fat....
her belt is the equator (laugh hard now)

Yo Momma's so cross-eyed....
She's only gotta look one way before crossing the street (laugh harder here)

Yo Momma's so dumb.......
She think a pig pen sumptin' ya write with( old but still funny )

Give everything but up.

Re: your momma

You should rent White Men Can't Jump.....some classics in there. The "Yo Momma" section is probably on Youtube somewhere in fact......

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: your momma

Yo Mamas all that, and a bag of chips.

one caper after another

Re: your momma

tell them you did their momma.    FAIL sad


Re: your momma

Has your Mamma raised her prices yet ? Ouch

So Bold , I know i shoud know better.

Ps, I hope your a good runner, if ya use that one.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: your momma

Yo Mama so stank, she gotta wear long skirts to hide the no-pest strips!

Just play

Re: your momma

i just found a good one!

your mom's so fat that when she jumps up and down skittles fell from the rainbow lol lol

you can love me
you can hate me
but NEVER forget me

Re: your momma

Yo momma so heavy when she wears high heel shoes she strikes oil.

Yo momma teeth so rotten when she smiles looks like she has a mouth full of dice.

Re: your momma

yo momma so fat she sells shade in the summer

yo momma smell so bad rightguard turned left

yo momma so poor that when someone crushed out a cig she said who turned off the heat?

yo momma so tiny she poses for trophies

some old ones me and my friend used to read off one of those little pocket joke machines. funny, the stupid things you remember eh?

If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: your momma

Yo Momma so homely, as a kid they tied a pork chop around her neck so the dogs would play wiyh her.

  Yo Mamma's so ugly she has to sneak up on a garbage can.

Yo Momma's so hot, the fire department follow her around.

hey yo mamma, that's my momma.

   This is getting bad, call your mother and tell her you love her.

... Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: your momma

yo mamma so fat, you can park a car in the shaddow of her behind.

yo mamma so skinny, she has to jump around in the shower to get wet

yo mamma so ugly, she tried to enter an ugly contest, but they said "sorry, no professionals".

Re: your momma

hmmm... what about:

Your momma's so fat, when she saw a lake she said "Let's go swimmin in the pool!!!"

you can love me
you can hate me
but NEVER forget me

Re: your momma

got another one...

Yo Momma's teef is so yellow,   when she smiles, kids say "who opened up the butterscotch windows?"

and one more...(sorry)
Yo Momma's ears is sooo big, when she shakes her head real fast she flies away.............

Yo Momma wears so much perfume,   the government made her tatoo a biohazzard sign on her back................

Give everything but up.

Re: your momma

Your mommas so dumb she thought a quaterback was a refund


Re: your momma

lol these r funny

tongue Hello Peeps tongue

Re: your momma


you can love me
you can hate me
but NEVER forget me

Re: your momma

Your momma earnt 10 dollars and 25 cents last night - guess who gave the 25 cents ? all of them ...

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.

Re: your momma

"yer mums so fat she needs a sock for every toe"

a good one i heard that was improvised in a conversation-
"no it's not free, you have to pay for it"

"yeah that's what yer mum said"

"when yer mum wears a yellow jacket people start shouting TAXI!"

"when yer mum gets in the swimming pool, the water gets out"

"when yer mum was swimmin in the sea someone landed on her cos they thought she was a small island"

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: your momma

"your mum's so fat, when she walks into a room she's standing next to everyone"

"your mum's so fat, when she turns around she needs to get her passport out"

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: your momma

Yo mama so fat she put her belt on with a boomerang

Yo mama so fat she went to the grand canyon... and got stuck

I'm the son of rage and love