Topic: Wearing out frets?? Need luthier advice...

I just changed the strings on my Takamine yesterday and I decided to give her a little more thorough inspection than normal. I noticed that some of the frets are starting get "eroded" away or flattening out in places. It's happening on the second and third frets, primarily under the G, B, and e strings...yes I play d chords quite often.

So, am I just pressing the strings too hard or do frets eventually where out?

I'm assuming that those frets will need to be replaced (or will I need to refret the entire neck?). I've been thinking of starting to dabble in fixing guitars as I want to replace my saddle and nut to lower my action in the higher frets. Should I turn this into a project or should I take my guitar into a professional? Also, Would I be better off just getting a whole new fingerboard rather than having it refretted? Any advice would be much appreciated...

Oh yeah, while we're at it, could anyone give me advice on how to choose a repair shop if I decide to go that route?

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Wearing out frets?? Need luthier advice...

You may just need the frets crowned,  any good repair shop can do this,  they can also replace frets if necessary.  You can ask other musicians in your area where they go for repairs,  but most mom and pop style shops can do it, or will refer you to someone who can.

Re: Wearing out frets?? Need luthier advice...

Thanks Mixter. I'll ask around.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Wearing out frets?? Need luthier advice...

I wouldn't worry about it until you start getting a buzz--you'll see the wear long before you here it when you fret a chord.  First time you take it in, they'll probably "polish" the frets, second time there's probably not enough fret left to polish them down, so they'll just replace the fret wires.
A lot of your big music stores will either lave a luthier working out of the back, or they'll be a bulliten board in the front where luthiers will post their cards--better yet, ask the guys who work there who they use.
Good luck!

Re: Wearing out frets?? Need luthier advice...

A fret dress will correct the issue, If you do need frets replaced ask for a harder fret, they do come in different harness. Also your guitar should be able to have the frets dressed a couple of times before any replacement needed - a partial fret dress should be $60-$80. And a good shop will correct the set-up so it will play as good as new again.

1974 / 4001 Rickenbacker Bass
Seagull 12 string /  1998 Martin D-35
HEADWAY Pickups in 12 string & Martin D-35