This is a true story about a chap I know, who was due to get married, a very expensive do and honey moon all booked and ready to go. So off he went to Benidorm with about a dozen or so friends. After a week they all came home, except the groom who had met some Scottish guys and decided to stay another week with them. He phoned home to say he needed some time to think.
When he did come home, his fiancee had had enough, she cancelled the wedding the honeymoon, the lot. he tried his best but she stood her was over.
He swore he'd been a good boy, but that was a lie, and one day it was revealed that he'd got a local girl pregnant as well as what he'd been up to in Benidorm...So one of my favorite lines from the song..."even though I can swear there has never been another, I can't promise that there won't be someone there"...yeh
Very C/W, in a shuffle beat, line dance?