Topic: uploading problem

I would like to know if the speed of your pc affects the quality of your video (ie) sycronazation of video and audio after the upload because i have put together several videos that play fine on my pc but after they upload the video and audio are not in sync i have tried several differn't formats avi, and all with the same result  so either myspace or my pc are the source i would like to upload more but whats the point if the results look and sound poor if anyone knows any adjustments i can make in the formating before upload please advise or if i need to get a faster pc im stymied at this point

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

It shouldn't make any difference, in theory.

Re: uploading problem

i dont know about theory but in practice it makes a big difference i asked the contact myspace help and the answer was a generic response how to upload there HAS TO BE A REASON so far ive got no answers to help me correct this problem

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

I've heard that uploading to YouTube decreases the picture guality, it could be the same with MySpace. Does it keep the original format when it's uploaded?

Either way I'd say that the website is causing the problem.

Re: uploading problem

Hi Russ
Just checked your videos on Myspace. They seemed to be running in sync to me. The one where you talk to the camera the Welcome bit seems to be in sync.
The music ones and the spoofs its hard to tell but it seems ok to me.

Re: uploading problem

I am trying to upload some songs into my I pod Touch but can not figure out how to do it. Can anyone help on this?

Re: uploading problem

ark mabey its my pc i must be in a different paralell universe but the vids are fine when i make them after upload they seem to be out of sync on MY pc i will have to view them from another pc to really tell thanks for checking ark  russ

arkady wrote:

Hi Russ
Just checked your videos on Myspace. They seemed to be running in sync to me. The one where you talk to the camera the Welcome bit seems to be in sync.
The music ones and the spoofs its hard to tell but it seems ok to me.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

as far as i can tell, the format is only displaed durring upload not after and i have converted one video to 3 differ'nt formats to see which or if any was best it might be in my browser and not in others i will know more when i look at them from another pc

Tibernius wrote:

I've heard that uploading to YouTube decreases the picture guality, it could be the same with MySpace. Does it keep the original format when it's uploaded?

Either way I'd say that the website is causing the problem.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

9 (edited by Tibernius 2008-03-13 22:10:25)

Re: uploading problem

Could be your internet connection. hmm

Re: uploading problem

Russ - I tend to agree with Tibernius. The problem most likely is the bandwidth speed of your internet connection. Even if your service is top-notch (cable broadband, DSL), the infrastructure in the US is slow and has considerable bottlenecks, especially for uploads.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: uploading problem

top im running roadrunner high speed with a linksys router so what can i do? it would seem im doomed to charlie chaplain films ive been sent to video purgatory

topdown wrote:

Russ - I tend to agree with Tibernius. The problem most likely is the bandwidth speed of your internet connection. Even if your service is top-notch (cable broadband, DSL), the infrastructure in the US is slow and has considerable bottlenecks, especially for uploads.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

Could you download the videos from the site, and then play them once you've downloaded a copy? That would show if it's the internet connection.

And are you leaving the file to buffer first?

I'll see if I can find more info out at the weekend.

13 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-03-14 13:55:25)

Re: uploading problem

tibernius i dont see any way to download videos from myspace unless myspace would make the vid available for download there is no option im aware of for that thanks to everyone for there imput i know the speed (number of kilobytes per sec) the video is running at mabey that could be factored in to assure a better resuli, i dont know there might be a way to adjust the rate but that is beyond the realm of this mortal denizen.what do you mean by buffer?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

You know how on YouTube you get a red bar showing how much has been loaded? That's the buffer.
Best thing to do is start the video, wait until it starts moving then pause it, wait until it's loaded about half of it then play it.
If you don't it can cause the problems you mentioned.

Re: uploading problem

you lost me , durring an upload you cant pause the video on myspace there are no screen options

Tibernius wrote:

You know how on YouTube you get a red bar showing how much has been loaded? That's the buffer.
Best thing to do is start the video, wait until it starts moving then pause it, wait until it's loaded about half of it then play it.
If you don't it can cause the problems you mentioned.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

I know someone who might be able to help, I'll send him a link to this thread and some info and see if he knows.

Re: uploading problem

Ok, I've had a response. A couple of questions for you, not sure if you'll have the info but worth a try:

Do you have any info about your PC; How much RAM, which graphics card, processor, etc?

Which program are you using to record/edit the videos?

Re: uploading problem

its a windows xp7 it has 32 gigs of ram of which 60% is available i record the vids on a 8.2 mega pixel kodak they are then processed with a movavi converter from mov to avi (otherwise the windows movie maker wont reconize it) titles and transistions are added and it winds up as wmv format and thats what i upload,sometimes i upload the raw mov file as i did with "Billy Goat" on myspace vids and sometimes i convert the wmv to avi to make the total MB's smaller i have tried every format all with the same result, crap I cant tell you about the sound card right now but later today im having a "lightscribe drive installed and the pc shop will tell me about the graphics card im using so i'll get back to you on that later thanks for helping mabey i can get this straightened out it would be nice cause im limited right now by the technology not my imagination

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

32Gb? That must be the hard drive, not the RAM.
This PC's got 1GB, I think the current max is 4GB?

Anyway, if they work on your PC but are out of sync after upload, I'd reckon it's either the Internet connection or an error on the Site. This is one hard question, none of the usual answers work. hmm

Re: uploading problem

I agree with Tibernius here it certainly sounds like the speed of your internet conection. As you have no problems with sync etc before you load up to Myspace then I don't think the problem is down to the speed of your PC.
As I've said it seems to be ok sync wise to me. I'm on a fairly fast cable broadband connection.
Try viewing the vids at an off peak time maybe in the early hours of the morning and see if it makes a difference then.

Re: uploading problem

ark i can try that, tibernius there is no external sound card the pc shop said it was built in and the hewlet packard im running has a 32 bit processor i think its less then a half gig of ram so i dont know if that makes the difference in why, i dont know how to improve the speed of my pc other then getting a new one and the purse strings are a little tight right now so i will have to make do with stone knives and square wheels till my ship comes in the last ship was sunk in the harbor

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

I've got a real ancient PC set up in the spare room runs on windows98 nearly 10 years old with really low computing power.
I will check your vids on there tomorrow see if the speed of your PC makes any difference to the sync etc.

Re: uploading problem

Russ - You may already know this, Road Runner is available in multiple speeds - and the connection you have will certainly have an impact on video downloads. And as someone else said, the amount of use in your "node" will also have an impact. Here are the different speeds available in my area from RR: … peeds.html

You can test your actual speed with this link:

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: uploading problem

top I tested my down load speed it was 753kb's the upload was 317kb's i dont know if thats good or bad i added the site to my favorites so i can test at different times and find the best time to upload cool link thanks top

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: uploading problem

No prob Russ - FWIW, it seems your problem is in viewing your videos - the upload speed does not impact that at all. A faster upload speed will only make the uploads faster - it does not effect viewing whatsoever. For viewing, the download speed is what you are concerned with. But... before you pay for a faster speed, it is definitely worth testing - If you are getting 753K for a 768K connection, that's pretty good and I would guess that an upgrade would be worth it (only $5 more per month to double your speed). That said, test your speed after you upgrade (if you choose to do so) - if you still get in the 750 range while paying for 1.5Mbps, it obviously isn't worth it.

I have earthlink through time warner (the same cable they use for RR) - for about the same price as RR lite, I am getting 4,920Kbps down / 367K up.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!