Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

etc_04 wrote:
SGinCYQX wrote:

Which idiot wrote this? Tell the government to direct their funds towards something useful, like music programs.

Smartest thing I've probably ever read

very true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

God, if I was stuck in a maze all day with mice, I'd wanna be last man standing too - can you imagine the embarrassment if the mouse killed you?


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

In 1994 at the 25th anneversarry of Woodstock Music Fest,
the music and bands were mostly classic rock and people had a great time. In 1999 at the same concert the bands and music changed to to more modern bands of heavy metal,some
rap, and head banging music and people burned conessions
stands and trashed the stage. It was a total mess and the concert will never happen again. Music changes with time,
and can be powerful. Not sure if music was the cause of the
chaos, but adrenalin was running high. Could this be an example of the mice and music theory??

just a thought,,,Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

First off Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, various tracks were played repeatedly at prisoners including Matchbox 20. IMHO two ideas explain this;

1) The guards simply wanted to test out if listening to Barney drives you nuts for a bet.

2) The tapes were doctored with subliminal messages to encourage cooperation with interrogators.

Woodstock, two of the last bands on were Limp Bizkit and Red Hot Chilli Peppers who performed 'Break Stuff' and 'The Roof Is On Fire' respectively. However the real reason for the bad crowd behaviour may be that there was a high ticket price for the whole festival yet inside alot of the concessions were charging top dollar. The organisers had clearly assumed an older, more moneyed festival goer then booked acts that appealed to penniless kids. No excuses but a big mismatch...

Music in general does shape mood. But you can't cheer depressed people up just by playing Bubblegum hits at them. Someone who's down needs music that says 'you can do it, play the system and win' not just 'happy, happy, smile, smile'. Where todays metal bands get lost is showing how shitty the corporate world is without reminding people that they can make an alternative for themselves. The original hippy message of 'revolution in your own back yard, do it yourself style' needs finding again...

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

30 (edited by badeye 2008-03-05 12:06:33)

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Your right about high prices, Cytania. I was at the one in '94 and prices were outrages. 10 dollars for a slice of pizza,
small bottle of water was 10 dollars. It was cheaper to drink beer. I went because of the line up of bands. When I saw the lineup for the '99 concert I wasn't that impressed. Prices were probably even higher, a good mix for anarchy that put
a sore eye on three days of peace and music.

take care...Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Hi ,
   I agree with Badeye & cytania , I don't think the type of music is the cause of bad behavior . I live five miles from where " We Fest "
music festival is held every year , Which is primarily country music . And we see our share of poor behavior from the people who come from all over the country for it . Of course country music isn't really country music anymore , is it ?
   As far as the topic goes , I
say , " Electric guitars don't kill people ,.....People kill people................

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: is a electric guitar player in danger?

Forgot to add ,
" I will give up my electric guitar , when they pry it from my cold dead fingers "...

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "