1 (edited by kospeedstrat13 2008-02-23 01:24:12)

Topic: How do you play rythym fast?

how do you play fast rythym??? and when ur only playing like 3 strings how do you skip the other strings?

Re: How do you play rythym fast?

you can mute the other strings with either the palm of your picking hand or by useing part of your fingers or thumb on your fretboard,it would help to know what kind of song your trying to play fast.you start strumming slow and even and gradually speed up but keep the meter(time) even up and down strums are the easiest down up down up and keep repeating slow to start and faster once you have the feel for it steady and even

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: How do you play rythym fast?

Hello kospeedstrat, I assume that you are a "Strat Lover."So what are you playing on? Squier, Fender Strat made in Mexico (=MIM) or an US Fender strat?(= MIA), or strat look-a-likes?
What kind of music do you play?
I agree with my good friend Russell, he really knows a lot about guitars, songs and music.
The way I play is a kind of strange, compared to other players. I ADORE to play in such a way, no matter if it's acoustic or electric. What I do, when playing a chord, even using 6 strings, is strumming a chord and block it with my wrist or hand, resulting in a very clear "strum" followed by blocking the strings, and strum again.It is difficult to explain my technique, I just know that friends of me who play guitar, love this style, but almost no one, can play this way of playing. It adds something extra to the song, a kind of rhythm. Even I can't play like this sometimes. You can compare it with fast rhythm, using licks and riffs.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: How do you play rythym fast?

I see a lot of new players using to much arm, and not enough wrist--instead of trying to get the arm moving faster at the elbow, try getting the hand moving faster at the wrist.