Topic: How Good Can i Get ?

I have played for 4 months now and are playing blues solos very fast, anarchy in the u.k and things like that.
i dont comp songs anymore... im playing the solos.
So do someone know how good i can get in about 3 years ?

Re: How Good Can i Get ?

dont get caught up in how good you think you are let others tell you otherwise you come off like a concieted ass

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: How Good Can i Get ?

thx for that answer... ill just play on and let my familly and friends tell me.

4 (edited by Oldnewbie 2008-02-18 16:07:05)

Re: How Good Can i Get ?

slaya wrote:

thx for that answer... ill just play on and let my familly and friends tell me.

Hey, slaya.

I wanted to give you a response like Russell did, but I think I know where you are coming from on this one.

Instant feedback feels good, and it is nice to get kudos from fellow musicians, especially when you think you are progressing faster than others.

What I have found, though, is that people (especially family and friends) soon get tired of hearing you play then asking "how was that?". They also don't want to be reminded of how quickly you are learning. If they are interested enough to listen to you play, they will most likely be forgiving of any mistakes (if they even notice them) and very approving of real progress. Just let them soak it in, and don't try to beat it into them.

This was hard for me at first, but I have gotten to the point where I will leave my guitar in the case for a while until someone asks me to play. If no one does, I find a corner and play quietly to myself.

The best feedback I get is after I have been playing for ten minutes or so looking up and seeing a bunch of people standing around listening. Then I ramp it up a little! smile  Then you know the ones who are listening are doing so because they want to, not because you are forcing it on them.

And I try to keep in mind that I am playing for myself, and trying to share my music with friends. Skill is far less important than heart. (listen to the songs on my webpage, and you will understand that I am doing this for me, and not to impress anyone - skill is certainly not my strong suit! smile). That makes it much more enjoyable.

If your self esteem, or your estimation of your own skills, are dependent on others, they will, eventually, let you down, because you don't control them. All you control are your own actions and your own attitudes.

And it sounds like you are progressing nicely. You might want to apply the discipline to learn a few songs all the way through, though, if you intend to play for others. There are only so many solos people can listen to, most want to hear a song they recognize and can sing along with.

Rock on!

Just play

Re: How Good Can i Get ?

I think that was the best answer ive ever got... thx

Re: How Good Can i Get ?


Happy playing, Slaya.

...i really should charge for this...

Just play

Re: How Good Can i Get ?

I'll tell you what my guitar teacher told me. He told me that I would only be as good as I was willing to work at. Someone can have natural talent, but if he doesn't do anything with it, then it's no good. He also told me that when you actually get good, it's not just about people telling you that you're good, it's about being comfortable with the way you play. It really didn't make a lot of sense to me at the time, but man oh man do I ever adhere to those words now.

Again, for emphasis, word for word "You'll only be as good as you're willing to work at, man. Talent don't mean a thing if you're too damn (can I say that here?) lazy to work at it". Please remember this, cause it really does help...