Topic: Corrected song reverts to Original when Transposing Chords

I was trying to transpose the chords on "For You" by Bruce Springsteen but something didn't look right. Apparently the original poster corrected the song to include the omitted opening lines. When I attempt to transpose the chords the song apparently reverts to the original version and the omitted lines that were corrected have disappeared! … p;id=84427

Originally I was using IE as a browser but because my son claims that IE is bad for my health and the well-being of the general public, I decided to try a different browser to see if the problem was on my side. But the same thing happens when accessing it from Firefox. SO I think that there is a problem at the website.

Am I doing something wrong?  Has this topic been discussed before? (I searched for other postings on this subject & found none).

Please help!!!


Re: Corrected song reverts to Original when Transposing Chords

hi.....again lol

I have answered this in " about chordie" section.

please try to refrain from multiple posts.

I am locking this one


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending