Topic: When to replace the first 3 strings

Hello everybody!

I'm learning to play the guitar...I have been practicing non stop (well, I still have to go to work and study for the uni, but most of my free time at home is spent on The Guitar) for 3 months.

My teacher is on vacation and I have this question to ask him... basically, the last time I replaced the strings on my classical guitar, He said it was a good idea to change the last 3 strings (metal) before replacing the first 3 ones (nylon), since those wear out more slowly so to speak...

My question is, how do I know when to replace the 3 first strings for new ones? the last 3 I know, they look and sound horrid, or simply break, but I don't know about the first 3...

Any help?

Muchas gracias

Re: When to replace the first 3 strings

Hi Fujicrow,

The wire wound strings will be affected by the grease and sweat from your fingers and also corrosion. It collects in the grooves and eventually you can hear that they need changing. Plain wire strings are similarly affected.

Plain nylon strings however are not affected in the same way and so do not need changing as often. When I had a classical guitar I would change the plain nylon ones every second or third time I replaced the wire wound ones.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: When to replace the first 3 strings

thx a lot for the info!

take care!