26 (edited by bud_wiser 2008-02-10 21:26:46)

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Scrimmy, I was just about to post the same kinda question as you. The responses have been brilliant, absolutely spot on and a load of great points made.

I hope you do it / have done it. I'm also feeling that urge to get up and do it in front of more than just friends and family so it's good to know I'm not alone.

Lemme know how you get on, be interesting to see if we both go through with it or not. I remember the first time I played in front of people....think I darn near soiled myself so I'm pretty sure I'd need a nappy for playing in public, but by all acounts it'd be worth it. So my advice to you (for what it's worth) is, get the bicycle clips on, take a deep breath and go for it. You've got the talent, so just go do it. Imagine how proud your little girl will be when she sees you up on a stage or something similar. Well worth the risk surely?!

Good luck matey!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth