Topic: Stiff hands

I have been playing for 2 years or now and never had much trouble with my hands.
But since it is not winter and very cold where I am It is almost impossible to play because
my left hand can not hit the notes. My hand is slow and clumsy, I could do better when I was
starting out. I do however have very large hands. is this just circulation problems? or since i have been playing alot more is it too much to fast?

The problem with the world is people having lack of commen sense...and warning labels. So if we remove warning labels the problem will fix itself.

Re: Stiff hands

people have all sorts of complaints about hands - so you are not alone

probably not over use - although if you have practicing many hours at a time have the occasional break

do make sure your hands are are warm before you start - cold can effect them

Re: Stiff hands

Do warm up exercises.  I'm sure you can find some on the web somewhere. 

Also, take it easy for a day or two.  If you normally play for an hour a day, cut back to 20 minutes or so for two days and see how you feel by the third.  And so on.  Adjust times to make sense in your personal situation.

Just a suggestion.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude